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Everything posted by klashnekoff

  1. Im thinking about going. Not really into shows but might go for the crack get some new gear and such.
  2. What a joke Running a dog alnog the motor on quiet lanes or farm tracks early mornings is a quick way to get a dog fit, i would not call it Lazy as many of us use this method to get our dogs in quick shape, Hows it any lazyer than riding a bike along dog? Im just Laughing at some of the things i just read in that article 'two men were dragging a dog along from a car' Dragging?
  3. How many of you have worked watership down ? Is it as full as rabbits as the story makes out, ive never heard of anyone saying they have been or ran dogs or ferreted watership down? Anyone got any stories about the place?
  4. Moslty things water based. Mink hunting and Fishing
  5. Two seasons ago, i bought what looked to be a decent looking digging spade from a garden centre, Got not even 2 foot and the thing snapped in half ,Took it back , got a replacement, Went out the next day and the same thing happened, Ws fuming, Money back, Lesson learned never to buy a cheap shovel agian.
  6. Good pictures Woodga, Nice to see you posting agian.
  7. I use a decent programme,Easy to use and understand , Pixresizer. Old ditchshitter showed me this a few years back,, been using it to make pictures smaller eversince. http://bluefive.pair.com/pixresizer.htm
  8. ohh yeah i agree but if hes like it and he was the better one out of the bunch from what i had heard what are the rest up to?? who did they get into it through how many others have they spread there KNOWLEDGE onto!! lol i am all for helping and guidance(i'm no angel but i at least had the savvy not to leave evidence of my exploits) but you cant help them all!! and thats the sad part about it!! Was he not willing to learn in any shape or form ?
  9. Or are you absteining? Probally that option
  10. Sounds a bit of a tool, But im sure he just needs a bit of guidence and taught to respect the land,qaurry etc,Even if he does poach.
  11. Dont count miles,, but a good hard walk from about Three Pm till dark, Just have a general mooch,, Sometimes i job with them,, ride a bike along them, or run them along the motor.
  12. Sunny and warm here agian,, Will be out for a mooch shortly, T-Shirt weather
  13. Found it usefull to notice hares sat out in the snow. To easy.
  14. Had a nice bit of sunshine today and was a nice day for a mooch, Young rabbits all over the place , everythings Pairing up, Spring time is almost upon us. Purse nets are already hanging up for the summer in the shed, ferrets having a break for the summer. Dogs will get one more outing then they to will have a summers break, Maybe a few shows! Cant wait for thr warmer weather so we can start on the mink and sit by the river with a nice cold cider fishing. Now the season is pretty much over what will everyone be doing for the summer? For me its Minkhunting, Mooching and fishing.
  15. Ive got some old felix the fox, fight the ban stickers around pal.
  16. Ive found them in august time at the latest,, But the earliest has always been in June or july.
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