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About Muddyboots

  • Rank
    Born Hunter
  1. Yes she is of the same stamp very strong looking but a lot smaller in hight. this photo of her is at 6months old, sorry it is small but the other photo's i cannot upload because the uploader says the files are to big?.
  2. Got a litter sister to this dog/ stands at 13" and on heat at the moment. Good luck with him he looks a really nice dog!
  3. Thanks for your reply foxhunting 1. Muddy.
  4. Yes foxhunting 1 What did he work? and how long did he stay at his quarry and was it a satisfactory ending!.Their is no malicious in my question I would just like to know as I have heard a lot of good things about this dog and would like to know if some of it is true. Muddy.
  5. Thank you just a shame i can not keep them all Very nice box of chocolates!atb
  6. Great! just loved reading this one!!
  7. Riou, bitches on the right. What a cracking looking litter of pups, and that little bitch right forfront looks a stormer!
  8. What a cracker!I like the pup very much,all the best for the future with it.
  9. Good read and account of the day, also great pic's
  10. nice strong looking dog mate, all the best with him.
  11. Wow! their some dog boxs mate and look very well made.
  12. Good strong looking working terriers! great pics.
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