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Everything posted by sage

  1. Picking your Brains. Chaps things have changed on the rim fire front, many users are fitting big object lenses scopes and night vision to rifles like the Brono and others, as a result higher mounts are required and in many cases the manufactures standard stocks are to low in comb. I respect one can pad up the comb to keep a good face weld with the stock. My point is do you think there is room in the market place to offer an option of having the standard rifle stock cut and a adjustable comb raiser fitted? And if so what will it stand price wise. Lets say the cost to cut stock and fit Gr
  2. George. If I had written a reply it would read word for word the same as Snaps post except mine would have spelling mistakes. Enjoy you 22lr and do the job well at 50 to 70 yards first. Regards Sage.
  3. I spend 50 plus hours a week at the bench sorting out gun problems if all shotguns were made by Browning Miroku and Beretta my life would be a walk in the park. GTI plus good gun for the money. Make sure it fits or spend the money to make it fit. If you want to talk through any points give me a call, number on webb site UK GUN REPAIRS ask for Sage.
  4. Peter has replied on a PM trust his reply answers all your questions. once we have had a look we can give you the answers you require. Thank you for contacting us we will reply within 3 hours of recieving your barrels FACT. Regards Sage UK GUN REPAIRS. PS must have a copy of the SGC both front page and the page showing the gun and number.
  5. Bit strong in my mind, wish I could earn £25.00 for putting a gun in my register We are in Somerset so may be to far for you but we would do it for FREE creates good feeling and customers come back. if we can help just go to our webb site and chat to Peter or me.
  6. Please take a look at our webb site. look under the section barrel work. we are very lucky to have one of the best guys in the trade today when it comes to browning barrels. He is the Grandson of Norman Johnson. Norman was to barrels.........Like Goodyear is to tyres. To answer your question As long as the work and end product is first rate.......Big time adds to the value. Regards Sage UK Gunrepairs.
  7. Hi Dave I think you are very wise to get it looked at. As for it only just cocking.... It wont be that because with most quality guns it has a cut bent in the hammer and the sear will engage fully or not at all. don't panic Richard will sort it out. Nice to chat Dave, have a good weekend. Regards Sage/Dennis.
  8. Thank you George pleased you are happy. Enjoy from the guys at UK Gun repairs. Ps George may I use a couple of your photos on our web site please.
  9. Sorry the facts are as follows. A cartridge in one barrel can not fire the one in the other by magic fact. Recoil makes the hammer on the unfired barrel jump out of bent and as a result fires the second shot as a double discharge this hapens to single and double trigger guns. A cartridge that produces more recoil prompts a gun /s with poor hammer/sear ingagement to show this fault slightly earler. From your post you take good care of your guns please take your gun back to the smith that worked on your gun and tell him of your findings. It is not a big job, but one that MUST be looked at AS
  10. HI Jonty102. May I ask you to look at our web site UK gun repairs we are in the South West, you do not say from what area you live. We have a fully Insured transport agreament with TNT and our insures we will collect. We quote for all work the quote is Foc. Sounds like a nice old gun right up our street. Please take a look at our site. Regards Sage UK Gun repairs.
  11. The double discharge will not be down to the cartride< it is a gun fault and requires some atention ASAP take it to your local gunsmith or give us a call at UK GUN Repairs and I will explain. ukgunrepairs.co.uk dont just leave it. Regards Sage.
  12. Good evening and apologies for the delay. As to your WRM stock, without seeing it I can only guess at the problem. What can happen with a mass produced stock, if it is, during the process of sanding and then applying the finish, the stock should be whiskered, this is a process of moistening or damping the stock, lifting the grain and allowing for further sanding which removes the surface fibres and allows only the hard wood surface to gain a finish. To try and be more clear, some pieces of timber, once sanded, have a soft surface up to a 1/16 inch thick, made up of small fibres and these
  13. Pleased you like it I enjoyed the challenge. Dicehorn has shown me some of the groups that Rugar 204 is now shooting so pleased for you. Got to say one of the guys in the work shop has now got the itch for a 204 and is going to take a look at a Hower or will go the proven route of a Remington and we will do all the normal things to it. Thanks for your kind words SC drop in for a coffee bring the cakes!
  14. Hi guys Can I have a crack a clearing up a few of these issues? My responses, I hasten to add, are my beliefs but beliefs that are shared by many professionals within the arms industry. That's not saying that they are 100% right, so here goes. First,the argument between thin barrels and thick barrels. A good thin one, properly anchored, properly crowned will out perform a thick one which is not prepared properly. However, given that they are of the same quality and appropriately prepared and anchored, the thicker barrel will have the edge. As to actions, the reason why sloppy a
  15. Some very good and helpfull advice listed. I read, you state can't hit a barn door with it, and I respect you take all the blame for its poor performance, but has a shooting friend and good shot, shot the rifle it might not be all your fault. Just a thought. Best of luck my friend. Sage.
  16. Not by far the best my friend side step that one a good second hand Brono cz will leave it for dead.
  17. I have look at my suppliers listings for Brono mounts with no luck at mo but will ask the rep from a major arms company on Monday when he visits. Once you have the mounts sorted take a few moments to get the comb of your stock lifted so you have a good face weld to the stock. Problem with CZ and big scopes, but one that can be sorted. Sorry chap my rep called to-day and his options are the same as you wrote about one way or the other to low or to high. if you still have no luck I am happy to try some others. regards Sage.
  18. I have look at my suppliers listings for Brono mounts with no luck at mo but will ask the rep from a major arms company on Monday when he visits. Once you have the mounts sorted take a few moments to get the comb of your stock lifted so you have a good face weld to the stock. Problem with CZ and big scopes, but one that can be sorted.
  19. Our only hope is a lot of the well paid MP's have nice English guns and wont wont to trade them in for a standard production gun that will shoot steel tin ect slim hope but it will happen in the long run. It sadens me and in a way I am pleased I am 56 and have been privey to the good years. but wont help me in my trade. Sage Gunsmith. Very sorry for the young and keen shooters of today.
  20. Hi have you had chance to look at the posting from Black fox. He raided our workshop.(He likes our coffee) With a camera and took a number of photos of a custom stock being built for a little 17hmr. Thought it would be the sort of thing that would interest you. Its on page 2 or 3 now.
  21. Hi George thats a pain and quite a nice piece of wood. Yes I can repair that. I would use a hard wood dowel through the pistol grip and double lock useing a threaded brass repair pin. mare sure you do not damage the broken ends of the break and you will be surprised how well it will repair. if you want to have a go I will send you the repair pins focor if you want us to do it for you we will look after you well. Gutted for you mate if I can help shout.
  22. We build cuctom walnut stocks to order but a fair few pennies
  23. I/we would like to buy or even borrow a Ruger 17 hmr trigger guard. We are in the middle of a custom re-stock of a Rugar. The old stock was a little plastic thing with its own built in trigger guard so no use, we ordered a new one from the importers some weeks ago and have been told said part is on back order. We are keen to finish the project. I know it is a long shot but if you dont ask you dont get. Even if we could borrow one for about 3 days just as to let us finish the inletting and we can start the oil finish which takes weeks, then hopefully our ordered guard will have arived. Any Ide
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