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Everything posted by TAXI DRIVER

  1. Nice bitch her.How old is she now?
  2. Good fight and the correct decision to throw in the towel.
  3. Looks a tidy pup.Good luck with him.
  4. Nice one mate.You and the dogs are having a great time just chillin` and killin`.
  5. Why not go for a 3/8th 5/8th which is in between?
  6. Nice to see some good teamwork on here.


    Too right mate, take one guess which one I struggle with most lol diet ie. not fueling/refueling yourself properly? Trying to not eat a load of shite all the time is what I struggle with lol but no mate iv got it under control well enough now. It's hard but for me it's the most important part! You`re right,eating clean is the way to go.Good luck.


    Too right mate, take one guess which one I struggle with most lol diet ie. not fueling/refueling yourself properly?


    Diet,training and rest.You`ve got to get all three right or you`ll suffer.
  10. Been out once last week.The dog caught 5 rabbits and missed a few.A good start for me.I`ll be stepping it up now.Good luck to everyone for the season.
  11. Why you trying to catch your mate out?You`ve been out with him several times and seen for yourself what he can do but you`d like to have something on him. What the f--k`s the matter with you?Who needs enemys with friends like you.
  12. 50 years today England won the World Cup.What`s happened since then?Why no trophies?
  13. That`s from the Milai massacre.The horror of war if ever I saw it.
  14. You`ve got to have a work/life balance.You`re only here once
  15. My wife made this a few weeks ago.There was a lot of gas built up and had to be let out every day or so(plastic bottles).She had a bottle in the fridge a couple of days ago and opened it last night,She really enjoyed it and will make some again.
  16. Keep him active but don`t push him too much.Keep his weight down as much as you can.This will put less stress on the arthritic joint.
  17. sherbert lemons,sherbert strawberrys,cider apples,sweet peanuts,rhubarb and custard,wine gums,midget gems,jelly beans,cherry lips,chocolate limes,toffee rolls,american hard gums,blackcurrant liquorice,jelly babies etc,etc Good luck
  18. You`ve done a good job with them pups.Good luck with yours.
  19. Nice one mate.You`ll get the rewards for your patience next season.


    I always look up loads of reviews on places before booking.I agree with what your saying though,it woud put me off the place also.
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