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Everything posted by TAXI DRIVER

  1. feck that was one boring show it was that boring it wuda stopped th spread of cancer on Saturdays the night perked up though when gladiators came on they were some fit women You`re not wrong pal.Jet was my alltime favourite.This is a true story for you......Wolf was half malamute.Lol
  2. His choice though taxi Driver... "Maybe tomorrow, I'll want to settle down, Until tomorrow, I'll just keep moving on." That song still brings a tear to my children`s eyes
  3. The best malamute I ever saw was the littlest hobo.He was world famous and saved a lot of lives.Unfortunately the poor c--t got passed from home to home.He had a lot of bottle though.
  4. My hairdresser Anton has a pure malamute.He says he`s a bugger for barking at cats.Anton also uses rouge.
  5. Well don`t come asking for help when it`s too late boyo
  6. Impasse: A position or situation from which there is no escape; deadlock. (in this context, the position being our conflicting viewpoints). Edited In: Jonah, I'm more of a "c**t" than a "bell end". But rest assured, I have zero interest in anyone's opinion of me. To me, you're all names on a screen, and thus your opinions are invalid to my conscience. Is that how you talk to your mates down the pub ? You have certainly read too many books ! And by the way..........i looked back at your post that i must of missed earlier......the fact your telling people to read Dave Courtneys boo
  7. Impasse: A position or situation from which there is no escape; deadlock. (in this context, the position being our conflicting viewpoints). Edited In: Jonah, I'm more of a "c**t" than a "bell end". But rest assured, I have zero interest in anyone's opinion of me. To me, you're all names on a screen, and thus your opinions are invalid to my conscience. Is that how you talk to your mates down the pub ? You have certainly read too many books ! And by the way..........i looked back at your post that i must of missed earlier......the fact your telling people to read Dave Courtneys boo
  8. Rabbit is great if prepared properly ie gutted and hung overnight,then skinned,butchered and left in salted water for a few hours.
  9. My alltime favourite KO was when Tommy Hearns KO`d Duran in 83(or 84).Anyone put it up?
  10. Apart from calling everyone a prick or mother f----r I thought he was a reasonable chap.
  11. Are you taking him out when the weather conditions are right? Even good lamping dogs wont catch much when there`s too much moon and no wind.
  12. Good luck with the pups.How many are you keeping yourself?
  13. Have you wormed him?He needs worming every coupleof weeks for the first few months.
  14. Only you know when her time`s up in the field.All the best.
  15. I liked the look of the litter.Did they have a litter of saluki greyhounds for sale at the same time?
  16. got hit by a motor 3 or 4 weeks ago and had to have air drained off his lungs Dog doing well mate recovering well within a short space of time with such injuries. Absoloutely.Good work by the vet.
  17. Why`s the first dog got a shaved patch on both sides of his chest?
  18. The 140 is a good lamp for smaller fields.
  19. One of the all time classics.
  20. never seen a good one myself liam like you say they just made to much noise, but the 1/4 bred dog in the pic was a different story he was given to my father and he gave the dog a chance and he worked very well. Was he 3/4 wheaten terrier?
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