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Everything posted by TAXI DRIVER

  1. To gain muscle mass/strength you need to do 3 things, train,eat and rest.Think of it as a triangle with all three being equally important.You`re eating well,doing the wrong training for size/strength gain and you are not giving your body any rest.Good luck.
  2. I know of one dog that had both back legs amputated.............Dirty Dick was his name
  3. Try them with some more dogs present.Their retrieving should improve.
  4. Tonight I had,onion bahjis,chicken madras,keema rice and keema nan......................not a morcel left.My only regret was I should have gone for the vindaloo
  5. They look a great litter of pups.Good luck with her.
  6. After seeing that,I for one will be persuading my wife to have a Dickens Cider tonight.
  7. Rangers will come back stronger.The "penny arcade" is still being sung by 44,000 fans with passion.Look out the hoops I say.
  8. I would say Trevor Brooking and Bobby Moore.
  9. My father`s a lavatory cleaner, He works all the day and the night, And when he comes home in the evening, He`s covered all over in sh. . . . . . Shine you`re buttons with brasso, It`s only a ha`penny a tin, You can buy it or swipe it from Woolworths It`s only a ha`penny tin,
  10. He`d been shooting up the brown since he was in college aged 22,He was found in his flat with 50 bags of the scag.Only one result
  11. Put a sheet of cardboard over each layer,........job done.
  12. But plenty of roadwork will improve the feet(whether their naturally good or bad feet).
  13. When old enough,plenty of walks on the road will strengthen/tighten it`s feet.
  14. 30,000 urban fox`s in 1960,over 50,000 today.Over 350,000 red deer in Scotland compared to 180,000 in the 1850`s.They need controlling ffs
  15. Can you take your dogs to him to train them?
  16. I had similar problems with a dog,it started when about 6 months old and was a twat to get hold of.Once it reached 12 months old it was a different animal and all the training I`d done had paid off.I forced it to have contact with me by keeping it on the lead and stroking it loads etc and getting it to sit and rewarding it with treats.Once it knows you`re the boss and fun to be with it`ll be ok.Good luck and don`t give up.
  17. Great video.The dogs look switched on and know the game.
  18. How much you asking for them fuckers,fuckers?lol
  19. When a dog has a firm stool it`s anal gland secretes fluid from the gland.If the dog constantly has runny shits it`s anal glands are not emptied and fill up.Soon the dog will be uncomfortable and dragging it`s arse along the floor etc.Feed him raw meat and bones and he`ll be fine.
  20. It`s proven that Thatcher was not honest with the NUM about her future plans.Would a government get away with that these days?
  21. Even more lies uncovered about Maggie`s plans to close more pits and even to bring in the army against the striking miners.Did she deceive the country?
  22. Do a google search on glaucoma in dogs and look at the images of the same,You will be able to tell if it is the early signs.It`s repairable if treated early.If in doubt get her to the vets.
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