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Everything posted by TAXI DRIVER

  1. You can still do plenty of recall/obedience training with him in the garden and in the house etc.Good luck.
  2. I`ve seen one hanging off a lurcher`s nose.Pound for pound they`re up there with the best for balls of steel.
  3. I have seen them at Sea World in San Diego.Amazing animals but it`s not right seeing them in captivity.There`s some frightening clips of them taking their trainer down to the bottom by the leg and keeping them under water for ages.A few trainers have been killed over the years but the parks wont get rid of the orcas as they`re worth millions to them.
  4. I knew a female athlete who suffered with hair growth on her stomach.She went to see her Doctor.He asked her how far it was growing?She replied "All the way down to my balls" lol
  5. Fences with no barbed wire next.Once they know how to jump over things you`re laughing.Good luck.
  6. Wales were shite 2nd half
  7. Would a bag of sand(grand) secure a pup out of the dozer?
  8. You gave him a chance,there`s nothing wrong with that.It`s his loss.
  9. And still .................Jones victory,unanimous decision
  10. Use a bike to exercise the dogs,that`ll keep them ticking over and just walk when you lamp them.A bike will take a lot of pressure off your hips.Good luck.
  11. When I think of Sunderland FC I always laugh and think of the "Cheer up Peter Reid" song.
  12. Must have been a great experience.I see myself going out there for a holiday in the future.
  13. Them Philapenos love their cockfighting.I`t`s a sign of wealth over there owning loads of gamecocks.Manny Pacquiao has around 1500 of them.I used to keep them years ago,for showing
  14. Get rid and get a newer model.
  15. Mate,it`s a good thing you miss your wife.The only lads I know who don`t miss their wives when working away are the ones married to pigs.
  16. A guy in the pub told me they can be good if entered correctly
  17. I had a test drive in one a couple of years ago and was shocked with the engine noise inside the cab.
  18. There`s loads o videos of rugby big hits o the net.I wouldn`t waste money on buying a DVD.
  19. Yes mate.Out of interest,what size were the sire and dam to your pup?
  20. On average a half cross male 22"/23"tts,3/4 cross 25" tts.Mature at about 18 months.
  21. I would like to see Bellew win but I think Cleverly will stop him.It should be a good fight.
  22. I`d report it to the Police incase it`s a staff member using your card.I trust no c--t anymore.
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