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Everything posted by xydeb

  1. xydeb

    Rat Bite

    been bitten by a wild polecat he took some getting off that bloody hurt some,as for rat bites a lad i knew died not long ago from a rat bite his vital organs gave up he was only 28yrs old wasnt even after rats he was moveing straw bailes on his dads farm poor bugger
  2. i think the term '' photoshopped'''' is now just a phrase people used for edited pics ... the examples above would be what i would term '' photoshopped'' kind of inventing an overall image from little bits of lots of pics as i understand it photoshop is quite a comprehensive package ... i do use lightroom which is an adobe application just a very watered down variation of the complete photoshop package which i understand is around several hundred pounds to buy the licence i think the term '' photoshopped'''' is now just a phrase people used for edited pics ... the examples above
  3. some brilliant pics,whats the deal with photoshop i know nothing about it is it a free site?is it easy to get to grips with?hope you all dont mind me asking just curiouse atb
  4. elan valley,david davies,not far from you if your near builth
  5. plenty claim to have pure bedys working but such a dog doesnt exist, kc bred other dogs into the lines ie poodle, the workers seem to have something else that peps them up be it lakie or fell some used border id say it was unfair to call them mongrels alot of them are purpose bred couldnt realy call a lakie/russel a mongrel so why a bedy/fell.if you put another bloodline in isnt that an outcross
  6. iv never heard of it in any outcross be it lakie,fell, greyhound or whippet
  7. xydeb


    try sally mitchell some cracking pics atb
  8. imo it means its a fell/bedy or lakie/ bedy call it what it is and be honest to many make peds up for money the very thing that f....d the bedlington up in the first place i think most xs will be called xs by the lads that bred them theyv bred that way for a reason hope its for the right 1 far to much bulls..t in the bedy world and not enough honesty
  9. rolys bitch floss was bred out of candy to a dog i have here bedywhippet/grey i have flosses sister in my kennels also and both them have been tested on all terrain work the lamp with ferrets longnets and terriers and allways gave there best very easy to be around and never shown me up in the company of others so as for none workers your barking up the wrong tree,if im not mistaken the bitch that won would be majors sister then
  10. 1st x can be stuburn 3/4 x easier to handle prey drive is emense on these xs bred right some 1st xs open up on the lamp but not alot put the time in with them and youl have a dog that will give its best for you,i start mine off on the lamp thats the first rabbit they see hopefully does help with stoping the hunting up part when they use their eyes i give them the chance to use their nose.works for me atb
  11. is it possible a worried nervouse fox would give more scent in the hole or out
  12. this thread has turned up far more info than expected some good posts some earths stink on arrival but some holding dont i guess the male smells stronger, i quite often watch the dogs air scenting flatout across the fields but doesnt end as youd hope love watching dogs hunting on a good scent ground or air,this subject is something i will be paying particular interest in when out from now on :search:
  13. i agree about the dogs and even hounds walking past this scent and you do think it abit odd but as been said i have allways beleived it to be the male scent marking more noticable this time of the year when they are pairing up,thats why i got to thinking i should ask the question cheers for the input y.i.s
  14. iv been out and about with the terriers and lurchers and keep smelling fox. my question is how long does the scent hang around how would you know if it was 1hr 2hrs or 12hrs since they past that piece of ground y.i.s
  15. had this x for years they work allday everyday but if it doesnt bolt quick your gona be digging watch your fingers for sure
  16. smart pup turned out well good length aswell atb if the pup turnsout like the sire youl have a goodun
  17. cheers for replies,shes a proper handfull make no mistake shes just over 16tts if she makes 22 23 thats near as damn it for me ideal size for my ground
  18. pics as promised get some more up when she stays still long enough
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