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Everything posted by stevie67

  1. should i stop taking her out and in a while try her again. ive had no experence with young diggig dogs so not sure wat to do?
  2. hi all would like some advice on my 15 month patterdale, i have her and a 3 year old lakiexborder whose a cracking digging dog, this is only my second season digging but had dogs and hunted lots of game all my life. since the end of august i have had 12 succesfull digs to my lakie and the we pat has seen them all and from the first one shes mad for action, ive let her in everytime for a few minutes when ive opened up and she does well. i thought i would give her a chance yesterday in some handy earths and the second one i checked was occupied, a single holer, she entered and 5 meters in starte
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