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Everything posted by rootertooter

  1. and ohh ye there wiz a few hares in that part ehhh that many didnt know what 1 to take a photo of jumpin out fa every wee treeee
  2. dnt know if sum 1 has posted befor but wow
  3. hey BUD been long time 8)

  4. ooooooohhhh I wee crackers bud no be long till there
  5. to 1 odds on germany win 4-1 over england and i had a £10 on it WOOOHOOO £800 in my pocket
  6. nice mate well done again good colour in it.
  7. ye thats the way if ur mate gets attacked fae lion (hit with slipper) that will send it on its way
  8. ye they sat for a while and if u look closer ul see another 1 at bottom of the tree in that pic uptop never noticed it until pic was on comp
  9. got more pics but i think me way cam is bad combo
  10. me and B.R.I went a walk along the river
  11. very nice mate wee cracker very nice shot
  12. ty for reply guys,are there a few of these about or not so many?
  13. out a few weekend ago forgot i had it just another day out a walk me and B.R.I seen this wee cracker and in same tree there was 2 of thesewhat is the yellow 1??? plz
  14. i would take in a sec but i have a 1yr old but hope it finds a good home, ALB rooter
  15. ahh thanks mate no flash on cam and usin a 40watt bulb is rubbish pic but ye nice moth.
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