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Everything posted by Ruger8

  1. Obvously the more time to fly a bird the better, some people regard the harris as suitable for a "weekend falconer" this is not really fare to the bird IMO However they requre less commitment than a redtail for example. If you can fly a Harris around 4 times a week i feel this is acceptble, if you miss a day or two due the weather in a bad week, then atleast you are out with the bird a couple of times a week. Sometimes i only have time to take the bird out for 30 mins, if this is the case then i make him work to the lure for that time to get him panting and maintan fitness. Lamping is als
  2. Ruger8

    Harris On Squirrels

    My young male has taken one, without problem, not a mark one him. His full sister had one last week, first one she had tackled, five bites leg badly swollen needed anti biotic injections becaust the oral ones were not sufficient,bet its cost him. Think its just luck of the bounce.
  3. after the second bottle if wine it looks ok to me but im comparing with my mrs whos snoring on the settee
  4. Hope this is not to far off topic, but the info may be usefull for someone. If someone wanted to import a dog from the EU it ould not be possible for a pup under 10 months, a dog must be micro chiped then vacinated against rabies the earliest this can be done is 4 months of age, six months after this test a blood test is taken. You could then import under the pet passport scheme, appart from the cost of getting there and back it would not cost a significant amount to bring into the country. Some people import pregnent bitches, if it is a rare breed in this country.
  5. Ive tried the jump ups, and even weighted flight on the creance....... etc It may well develop fitness and stregth in the bird, but i find it tedious for myself and it must be for the bird also, so no more Im surprized people dont discuss the use of the lure more in fitness training with harris hawks, i use the lure regularly to make the hawk work for his food and it really gets him panting,(far more than with jump ups)timing his strike, and you can have a mad 15 mins in the rain and wind (as mentioned iin the article) then put the hawk away wet and panting. I open my back gate and do it
  6. This is NOT a begginers bird....... if you intend flyng free with a sparrow hawk without any previous experience you will either end up loseing the bird or killing it. Weight management is EXTREMELY difficult on a female spar and would be almost impossible for a male spar (other than with very experienced falconers). If it is to be your first falconry bird DO NOT GET A SPARROW HAWK If you have the experience then my apologies for posting
  7. Listen foxdropper this argument is going no where, do you or your family refuse to be seen by asian doctors or helped by phillipino nurses. Then national health service (for 1) would fall to pieces wihout overseas workers, as would many othres. My blood boils when i see the crimianal element in yardie gangs or eastern european gypsies robbing people in the street and getting away with it. If they are not here legally and they have nothing to conribute to the country then yes....... SEND THEM BACK. But its not quite that straight forward. How many british people work abroad, should they all be
  8. Genuine apologies for useing the term bloodsports i'd had a few pints and it just got in there , bit politically incorrect really I'm not blind and i havn't got rose tinted spectacles, i realize there are problems with imigration, levels of crime coming from black youths, gypsies etc . I can get on a soap box myself and moan about it ! and certain things that go on in this country do make your hair turn on end. If people live in this country they should in MY OPINION embrace the culture of the country as we would be expected to do if we moved to their country. But black and asians ar
  9. i read quite a bit of this forum .....dont post i must admit, but if anyone thinks the views and racist comments in these posts are doing a service to bloodsports please think again. I think they are narrow minded and short sighted. I'm not into political correctness thats bullshit, but racist and openly provactive remarks on a public forum lower the whole tone. No teXt talk but its fine to be RACIST .
  10. Ruger8

    new dog

    You are doing the right thing, i use to have the dog in the house and sit and watch tv with the hawk on my fist and dog loose. Also put the hawk teathered down on the bow on the lawn, and leave the dog loose, over a period of time you will notice the distance the bird will except the dog into its personal space getting closer and closer. He will realise the dog is no threat, if he foots him all the better, the dog will know the score lol When you first fly him free with the dog you will notice his response time go up, this will soon pass. Also if the bird can see the dog from the mews
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