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Everything posted by Ruger8

  1. Water bottles looked ok though
  2. 7 jills and 6 hobs running total 167 hobs 159 jills
  3. I was about 15yds from it.......... hope i never see anything like it again. The guy had done over 800 jumps, but had not been with the icarus team for long. Most people seem to think he was avoiding the crowd as he was of course and the angle he attempted to turn, and cross winds, accelerated him into the ground. Tragic ..... EVERYONE WAS TOTALLY GUTTED, difficult to get it out of ones mind, feel so sorry for his loved ones
  4. just searched the net and they advised a warm dark quite environment to minimise shock in small animals, so you seem to be doing the right thing, ring the vet and ask for advice over the phone, tell them your in work and you cant get down until much later, if she pics up dont go. They may tell you what to do in the short term.
  5. I thought a % of the litter would throw almost total bedlington and a % towards the whippet with around a third chucking what you want. This could be total drivel ..... i would like to hear a knowlegable reply, as im curious now
  6. Ruger8


    i was always curious about their set up...... if i remember , they were guaranteed to work ! i had a few off them, the ones i had never bit, and almost all were good workers. Someone once told me they were fed totally on whole rabbit, thats probably why they worked well. They were always in the exchange and mart, year old workers, 2 year old workers small medium or large lol and think they did bantoms and chickens aswell
  7. Ruger8


    Many years ago a can remember buying ferrets off Abbot bros and having to turn up at the nearest railway station to pick them up. I also believe you could purchase dogs and other animals and collect from the local station. This obviously is not the wisest thing to do, buy unseen. However does this facility still remain ? could i buy a ferrret or pup from the other side of the country, or indeed send a dog or pup to the other side of the country, or is this a thing of the past ? just curious !
  8. Chay i assime you fly them as a cast....... Do you find the male is intimidated by the female ? I fly my male with some friends females and they can come in and knock the male off catches etc. Why i ask i am thinking of getting another male to fly with him next season, however i would rather get a female, possibility of hares etc but have leaned towards anther male for the reason stated
  9. Love the little ferrets............ but not sure why . One of the best jills ive ever had i have at the moment, shes average size, to a little bit over. With hawks theres a school of thought that bigger is beter ! with ferrets its popular to be small !! Fashion guides us in irrational ways, id use one, and breed them ....but why lol
  10. If i was you i would not bother with a course, cost you about £400 and you probably wont be handling birds which have not been manned. My advice would be, get a young bird as that is the only way to learn and many adult birds for sale have faults. Get a falconry mentor in your area and read and study as much as you can. Its not rocket science and is mainly comman sense as long as you have the sense to aquire sufficent knowledge before jumping in. You need to have the time to fly atleast 4 times a week because you will loose a day or two due to weather. Think before you leap.
  11. Not sure what sharkscope is elis.......... ? You will have bad runs, even when you play well, if your in a negative mood dont play and never chase your losses by going in bigger games, trouble is its hard to stick to it all the time :whistle: Whats your name on 888, im oELLISo (surname is ellis) thats usually my mrs playing though, she plays allot of $10 and some $20 small tournys. You can take 500 out and put it into paddypower or say party poker you will then get another 100 signon bonus 20%, good way to maximise your money. But can only do this once on each site, and sometimesw
  12. I play about 2 hours a night....... i do make money, but not much if you consider the hourly rate, i play mainly tournaments 6 in $22 on party at the moment. Have found 888 the easiest site to make money on, again mainly tournaments, the wife plays as much as me, and its a bit of a fight for the pc. Remember you havnt made a penny until you cash out, i have close to $900 dollars in my party account and the wife has $1300 in her 888 account, it does go up and down, both accounts started off with $50. We cashed 2000 out of 888 help to go to vegas last year. If i was looseing money i wo
  13. I have a pup of Brockbart and have been very pleased with her, i cant speak for working ability yet because she is only 3 1/2 months. They are however fantastic little characters, and have a personality all off their own. The mother was bred by the Ryeford chase pack and the father was an imported Teckel from germany http://mysite.wanadoo-members.co.uk/Waldmeister/page5.html. She didnt come cheap but i think it has been money well spent I have had her to flush quarrey for my Harris Hawk and ferreting, she was supposed to be out with my cocker in the garden but shes in the house as
  14. If it was mine she would need a WOK .........
  15. Does your uncle bet much on the gee gees and enjoy a little drink
  16. Anyone ever used wild polecat blood on purpose or accidently (escaped, recaptured ferret perhaps) ? I have had some discussions regarding this of late and was curious to hear the opinions of others.
  17. After reading the threads on this sitei have changed my attitude to feeding dried food for both my dogs and ferrets and have provided meat and bone as staple. On a recent visit to the butchers he gave me some lamb scraps, and said i have nothing else except pork and thats no good, i told him to chuck it in and that the dogs would eat it (i would not feed it to the ferrets as i was always told not to). He then said, "i wouldnt if i was you" , and two old women in the shop began joining in as well, saying it would make the dogs sick I beat a retreat without the pork ! Should i have stay
  18. Have been reading some recent threads, and shaped nets have been mentioned Although i can make nets, i have no idea how to make shaped nets, i have attempted to use the search facility to see if this has been delt with before without success. Any links or explanations appreciated.
  19. Wasn't aimed at you Danny, just that you said the bird would have be passed on, and as with a dog bird or any living animal, people should consider the long term implications , we all have that responsibility. Was in no way implying anything, and if you are confident on finding a suitable home for the bird then good luck to you, i have no problem with that. Some birds like some dogs are passed from idiot to idiot, just saying to consider the longterm implications for the bird. They can live for 20 years. If i thought you were such a person i wouldnt have wasted my time posting........ Black B
  20. Danny there is no comparison.......... a spar is not a beginners bird, you will either loose or kill it. It is basically to small and its metabolism is too high, weight management which is crucial in falconrywould be to difficult for you (trust me). If you do your research you will understand Do not get a spar it is for experienced players. Good books for beginners Falconry and Practice (emma ford), Hawking and Falconry for Beginners (Adrian Hallgarth) and Training Birds of Prey (Jemima Parry Jones) . Many people buy The Harris Hawk (Lee William Harris) dont ! its average at best IMO
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