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About foxyjo

  • Rank
    Born Hunter
  • Birthday 01/01/1963

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  • Interests
    fishing.hunting and drinking
  1. foxyjo

    Papal visit

    i think they want to hold him down a bugger him and see hi he likes it.hes the f****n antichrist
  2. i hunt big big fields.and my opinion is collie.x Gray x salukie.and for fcuk seak stay away from anything with bull in it.
  3. i stopped hunting at the end of march
  4. bad luck mate.he look a we cracker.
  5. well i live next to lough muckno and it isnt full of rubbish you get the odd bit of crap lying about.but what i have noticed is glass jars with polish writing on it.but their is lads from the council that do liter picking around it.
  6. what a crackin looking dog all.rounder.what age is she she looks as if she would make a good hare dog
  7. hi much are them double runs.they look a good job
  8. : spot on natter.i keep giving them the same amount of food because they get the same amount of exercise
  9. as the iceman says.if the young ones take someone with them ho nos what there doing then that's OK.but some lads will put their dogs onto anything that moves.[such as cats ]and its lads like that are getting lurcher men a bad name
  10. grow up we lamped a few hairs so what

  11. unbelievable the price you pay for adays fishing.if you come over to Ireland you would pay fcuk all for pike and trout fishing and a small fee for a salmon license.
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