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About Billsno1

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  • Interests
    Shooting and fishing
  1. For an s16s you have to remove the shroud, the fore-grip and the scope rail as they both retain the barrel. Once removed, the barrel can be pulled carefully. For an s16 i believe it is 2 screws at base of barrel and fore-grip, then pull barrel forwared. I think the manual supplied covers this mate Bill
  2. Happy with me s16s!

  3. thanks for the info mate. What i would like is a strip down guide, to help change seals etc, and other info as there is very liitle on the net about this gun, not sure why as you can source info on every other gun?
  4. Have just bought a second hand logun s16s but its low on power, (11ft/pds with packing washers behind hammer spring). Is there any way of bringing the power up?
  5. Was hoping to get my sun into shooting but hes only interested in girls...eeurghh! lol. Well done that man!
  6. Hi mate. Does it come with a bag and charge adapter?
  7. Try contacting Zini mate....he's had them both I think so I'm sure he'll fill you in Darryl thanks Darryl Bill
  8. thanks for the info mate. Im also looking into an s16. Its just finding one in my area! Bill
  9. Hi all. Im looking for some info on the above Gunpower guns as im thinking of purchasing one or the other. I know diddly squit about either, but like the design and the fact thaqt the storm seems to have a longer barrel. I guess this could aid longer range accuracy? Also, are the storm models available with a take down bag too? Any advice/info/ pros and cons on either model would be greatly appreciated. thanks Bill
  10. what about a stealth Hi Dave. Is it still for sale and if so, where are you?
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