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big scott

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Everything posted by big scott

  1. Point in wrong spot e no flys on you then ,the thing is my mate has a bullet gun with a muz on it and it still makes a good crack, i am thinking that a air rifle at 40 ft.lb will be a hell of a lot quieter. I see your point, 20 ft.lb is no gain and if thats what my gun is only going to give me then change it is
  2. Now lads advice time. I have a s410 2.2 2005 and i am maddly in love with it but thinking of putting in for my FAC, can it be put into a shop and converted or dose it have to go (sob sob), would love to have my baby turned into a lion
  3. wanted 22 rifle or pistol for around £100 must be in good condition and you must be cliose to me or in the cleveland area dont e-mail me ring me on 07973750257 scott
  4. 07973750257 Big scott cleveland next to whitby
  5. Lunar sunbeam in v/g/condition 1992 with casett toilet,hob,fridge,oven,heating,shower,waste containers and everything in working order also a big awning with ground sheet £1600 O.N.O CONT SCOTT 07973750257 can deliver local at a cost
  6. have no way of doing pictures you'll have to come and see or mob number then i'll send u one
  7. 10f fiberglass fishing boat with 4 stroke 3.3hp in board engine,ores, trailer and new tarp. All in very good condition ideal for rivers,lakes and sea £500 o.n.o Can deliver local at a cost CONTACT SCOTT 07973750257
  8. were u at m8te North Skelton in cleveland North east
  9. Stirup pump for pre charge guns (NOT WORKING????)it's not that old but after 3 pumps it goses solid, i could deliver at a cost, if collected 30 quid 07973750257 or 01287 653553
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