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Everything posted by <Hoppy>

  1. Bought a russell off a Worksop terrierman back in October time.Lost his tel number.Know he comes on this forum,it was him who told me about it.Think his name is Paul.He has a copy of terriermen and terriers.Like to give him an update on the dog.Cheers.
  2. Hello everyone.Joined last night but rushed in and missed this bit(story of my life).Anyway I've been away from terrier work for the last few years and am just getting back into it.I bought a Russell At the back end of last year and intend to get back into ratting.
  3. I used to have a smooth coated black patterdale dog which i bought from a bloke in royston about 15 years ago.Many people came for their bitches lining,and there are still dogs kicking about localy who go back to that same line.Being away from terriers for the last 5 years or so i would love a dog from that same line.
  4. Thats it,cheers' iv'e been racking me brain for ages trying to remember the name.One of their members used to live near me and i was wondering if they were still going.
  5. Does anyone know the name of the group of ratters who meet in a pub in Barnsley?They made a documentary which was shown on television a few years ago.
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