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About <Hoppy>

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter
  • Birthday 23/08/1965

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  • Gender
  • Location
    in't woods
  1. I am 55 years old and I am going to apply for a shotgun licence for clays. When I was 16 years old I got a conviction for ABH. Do I have to put this on my application form. That is my one and only conviction. Thank you in advance.
  2. I have a three year old JRT dog and am thinking about getting another.He is a really dominant dog so another male could lead to too many kennel fights.I have thought about getting him castrated then getting a bitch as a kennel mate but have heard this could put him weight on and take away his working abilities.Any advice people?
  3. There is nothing wrong with folk music.

  4. Who is the folk singer?

  5. Does the wind deflecter have to be perferated? Wouldn't it do a better job of deflecting the wind if it was lef solid?
  6. Are you still going to put instructions up on the DIY rat attack smoker?

  7. Really enjoyed the ratting mate,cheers.

  8. Iv sent you an email mate, go a ring and will sort something out!



  9. Do you drink sloe gin neat or do you mix it with anything.Made some for the first time and it tastes like medicene.
  10. It's best to cut them in the winter when the sap is down.Less likley to split then.
  11. While taking my 8 month old jrt dog for his walk he always starts off with a solid bowel movement,which as a responsible owner I can scoop and dispose of.But after that he does numerous others which get thinner and more liquid as the walk goes on.I have tried different foods,I have wormed him I have walked him at different times but to no avail.On occaisions when I can't take him out because of 12 hour shifts he stays in his pen and only produces solids.I am at my wits end please help.
  12. I'll be there Sunday.Went last year,it was a good day out.
  13. This has probably been done before but,what do you people find the best treatment for rat bites on a terrier?
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