Well, blacky, if he wants to keep on hunting rabbits and rats, why would he need a bigger dog, especially given the fact a pure whippet will catch said vermin quicker than any bigger type of running dog?
Anyway, I'm off to get the chest freezer out again, It's f****n boiling here!!
A bit of 'embellishment' there, but not overly so.
My old man worked very hard, and worked away most of the time when I was very young, we'd see him once every 10, 11 or 12 days, and my old girl was an absolute C@NT that spent almost all my old man's wages he'd send back, on herself on the piss!!!
We could only dream of a good upbringing.
Well, when I say dream, it was more of a hallucinogenic fleeting thought, brought on through severe malnutrition, but they were dreams to us.
Marmite is a superfood, mate, and no, I don't have melted cheese on anything, that's just grated lol.
Just to add, I do have cheese sauces etc, but melted cheese on toast, crumpets, gives me a bit of indigestion.
Lol I absolutely SLATHER horseradish sauce on beef or corned beef sandwiches lol.
Yeah, it can make the old peepers a tad sensitive, not to mention the bridge of one's snout! Lol