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Everything posted by shaaark

  1. Otto wallin, the first one off the top of my head. Was easily outboxing fury for the first six rounds, and the cut he gave 'untouchable' fury, would've seen that fight stopped and wallin as the winner, anywhere else in the world.
  2. And now Gooey is going to reply with 'but he can't help his size advantages etc. Fact is, that's his only advantage. He's been outboxed and knocked over by a fair few opponents, and the fact that he's been knocked over 4 or 5 times in 3 fights with wilder, who can't really box, and who Gooey keeps rattling on about wilder being 'quality' lol, and other fury groupies deludedly referring to fury as 'untouchable,' well, it's pretty laughable really lol.
  3. How much beaver could....... maybe not!! Lol
  4. Also helped by years of drug/alcohol abuse. Several times I've seen him, after the 1st wilder fight, incoherently 'trying' to talk to boxing pundits/reporters. He's an embarrassment to heavyweight boxing. Others, Gooey especially, will have a different opinion of him, but I can't even stand looking at pics of the idiotic prick.
  5. How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood? Or, in this case, how much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck would chuck wood?!
  6. shaaark

    O Eddie

    What's all that about, G?!
  7. Sounds good, mate. Looks a nice type anyway.
  8. How tall is she now, mate, and how tall are the parents?
  9. Just listened to that a couple of times, mate. Certainly sounds an interesting character. The more I listened, the more it made sense. Did he ever achieve anything?
  10. Heard that before somewhere, I'm sure mate. You put it on here before?
  11. That's the one, mate. Have a listen, see if you agree with me.
  12. Listened to that a couple if times, D c. Then it dawned on me, it's ever so slightly reminiscent of the beginning of Tony Mphee's 'the hunt.' Part 1.
  13. They need their legs decapitated, the auseholes!!
  14. Rainbow, there's your problem. Non binary trout.
  15. Yeah, the last couple of years we've been inundated with requests for free board and lodgings by loads of the little beggars. To be honest, it feels good to have them around the place, even if we won't see much of them for a chat and a cup of tea.
  16. Well, with only about 1/3rd Mali, I should think it'd be an OK lurcher, as the deerhound, greyhound and whippet will have a good amount of a calming effect.
  17. Well, doing my bit for wildlife ecology this year. Have just bedded down our last ladybird, that has crept into our house this autumn, looking for somewhere to get it's head down for a while. I already feel a warm glow, knowing that I've helped the poor wee beasty. Looking forward to seeing him wake up in a few months.
  18. I disagree there, mate. I believe, nay, I know, you have a few like minded individuals as yourself, on here. Look at the boxing thread, several of us are in agreement on there.
  19. We could only dream of sandwich fillings, we'll when I say dream it was just starvation induced hallucinations, but they were dreams to us.
  20. Not surprised, with those fukn froggos on!!
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