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Everything posted by shaaark

  1. That red un's a handsome looking dog.
  2. Nice pups. Really like that pied one.
  3. I thought 500 yard slips is your thing, Gooey, especially when you have to wear froggos in 18 inches of slop?!!
  4. No, that's 47 years ago, Gooey. Like I keep saying to you, you must try harder.
  5. I'd have said probably a tad more saluki blood than collie. Anyway, as old Phil said, that white/pied pup is a belter.
  6. Sort of agree with you there. All my young lurchers, very rarely ran rabbits as youngsters. Just weren't enough around. And that was 40 years ago.
  7. Is that paddy pimlet? I don't really follow ufc as much as I should.
  8. You got the knack of putting pics up yet, mate?
  9. Don't be so negative on yourself, Gooey. It's only our opinions. Should be a really good fight.
  10. Davis = super feather, lightweight and light welter. Haney = lightweight and light welter. But Haney is four years younger than Davis, and is three inches taller, with a five inch reach advantage. So would think he'd make weight more comfortably, and be stronger at welterweight than Davis.
  11. Good man. Been without a dog myself a few years now, couple of obstacles in the way, plus our youngest son is only 2 1/2. Another couple of years til he's settled properly in school, then I might start looking in the direction of another whippet, myself. They do get 'into' you, don't they?! Lol
  12. What the f**k do I know, I've only owned one dog, briefly, in my entire life, 1976, can't even remember if it was a dog or bitch?!!
  13. Just the thing to sit next to, with your 1 glass of Henry westons on Xmas eve, mate!!
  14. Cheers for that, Gnash. I'm pretty much the same, don't like too many layers on, or feeling a bit restricted.
  15. Cheers, mate. Think I'll take the plunge and order one. Are they OK for size, I'm a 52 inch chest.
  16. Page 8 in this thread, gnash. Daniel cain's post about them. Was just just about to ask him if they are waterproof.
  17. Kin el, I'm in bits here, doing my best not to roar with laughter, kids and Mrs all in bed, so got to be quiet!!
  18. Zu fuckn cchini?!! Please, Mack, awww come on, don't do this to us, it's a fuckn courgette!!
  19. Getting a tad adventurous with that gravy, eh stav?
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