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Everything posted by shaaark

  1. I think this pc got a mind of it's own!
  2. To everyone. How do you add emoticons to your posts/replies? As you can probably gather, I'm not the best with computers! .
  3. oops:icon_redface: very nice:yes:
  4. Fair play. Same thing happened to me a couple of years ago:(
  5. Very good and sensible post:yes: . I myself have recently aquired a deerhound blooded pup from a member on this site fursty ferret, dh/gh x cg/gh, and at 16 wks she is already just over 21 tts so I think she's going to be a fair size, also apart from her coat she's very deerhoundy. I too live with countryside on my doorstep and the pup is with me everywhere I go and will be given every sensible opportunity as she grows and matures. Thanks again for the pup ff:thumbs:
  6. Very nice bitch mate. Like the stamp of her. Good luck with her for the coming season.
  7. Seen plenty of lurchers under 23" take hares night and day, in all sizes and types of fields. Owned a couple of good ones as well. As I said in a previous post, I'm not saying they're as hard to catch as in daytime, given law, but at night in certain areas hares can be very difficult for any size of lurcher. And I've seen and owned some very fast dogs struggle at times with them.
  8. That is one fine animal. Looks as though he could be more than useful.
  9. Hi jamie, I'm only an hour away from you. Would like to have a look at the bitch but can't get to you until tomorrow. Could you possibly put any pics of her up? Definitely interested, just crap on pc lol
  10. very nice dog mate

  11. Have to agree with scotty and boyo. Alot of hares can be very difficult to catch when being lamped. Around my area i've yet to see an easy one. Not saying they're as difficult as in daytime, but they're certainly very far from easy.
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