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Everything posted by shaaark

  1. Wouldn't slip her on any hares at all yet mate. 7.5 months she's stll very much a puppy, wouldn't really be giving her many runs on rabbits either to be honest. Just get her out and about like you've been doing, but restrict the amount of rabs she runs, all to easy to ruin a young keen pup. There's no rush, and come september you'll still have a keen fresh dog that is able to take on a heavier workload. A T B
  2. Nice genuine offer, good on you lad. Like that dog of yours b t w, looks a cracker
  3. I've had 3 very good hare killers under 23tts, mostly whip/grey with a tiny dash of collie, 1 dog and 2 bitches, and as skycat says, they were all very fast, and caught the majority of their hares within about 20-30 secs. Hunted up during day, and lamped though. No saluki in any of my dogs ever, just don't like em. Anyone else have smaller types without saluki in that were good on hares, hunted up or fair law?
  4. Good quality BARF. Wouldn't feed mine anything else now. Dogs look, and are doing great on it. Quite a few suppliers about too, so shouldn't be too hard to come by.
  5. Following on from 'small dogs on hares' how many guys prefer to use big dogs on rabbits rather than smaller dogs, say 24-25tts upwards? I don't mean ferreting, just general daytime/mooching.
  6. Depends on the breeds in the sire and dam, like u say, luck of the draw. Our bitch's sire 1st x collie/grey 25tts, dam 1st x deer/grey 26.5tts, but she eded up at 29tts
  7. So you haven't seen hares chopped just out of their seats ,before they are able to get into their stride?Folk law my arse. Nowadays, and for many years, fair law hasen't and does not come into it. And for me, as a non courser, can't see it happening. I want my dog to catch what it's running, not just chase it then see me waving it goodbye, it's hunting to me, not sport or fun As I said twice ,"each to their own," but would you get the same satistaction out of your dog making a catch of a hare that has been kicked up under your feet and caught immediately ,as a catch that happen
  8. So you haven't seen hares chopped just out of their seats ,before they are able to get into their stride?Folk law my arse. Nowadays, and for many years, fair law hasen't and does not come into it. And for me, as a non courser, can't see it happening. I want my dog to catch what it's running, not just chase it then see me waving it goodbye, it's hunting to me, not sport or fun As I said twice ,"each to their own," but would you get the same satistaction out of your dog making a catch of a hare that has been kicked up under your feet and caught immediately ,as a catch that happen
  9. So you haven't seen hares chopped just out of their seats ,before they are able to get into their stride?Folk law my arse. Nowadays, and for many years, fair law hasen't and does not come into it. And for me, as a non courser, can't see it happening. I want my dog to catch what it's running, not just chase it then see me waving it goodbye, it's hunting to me, not sport or fun
  10. That's fair enough, all I'm really saying is you don't need bull in a lurcher, deerhound is far more useful and will run everything down, alot better than any bull x. Just don't see the point or need for bull blood in lurchers, and I like staffs etc justt my personal prefrence realy as you know everyone has the type of dog they prefere, a mate of myne has a deerhound bull x with a bit saluki in there ndits a hell of a dog That's the point I was trying to make, personal preference. Personally a purebred whippet would be my preference, I love em, but it wouldn't be practical for what
  11. Each to their own. Didn't intend to have a go, but johnnyboy just said it better than I did lol
  12. That's fair enough, all I'm really saying is you don't need bull in a lurcher, deerhound is far more useful and will run everything down, alot better than any bull x. Just don't see the point or need for bull blood in lurchers, and I like staffs etc
  13. Said it before and I'll say it again, I wouldn't give anything an inch, it's not sport or testing your dog or whatever, it's HUNTING, and the quicker your dog can catch something the better. And whilst I can appreciate coursing dogs etc, I can also see where antis etc get alot of their ammunition from. The sooner people stop calling hunting 'sport' the better If you aren't giving a hare any "law", ie, a chance to get up out of it's seat, and into it's stride, I wouldnt call it hunting either. I'd call it murder, but each to their own I suppose, When you go ferreting do you wait until
  14. Said it before and I'll say it again, I wouldn't give anything an inch, it's not sport or testing your dog or whatever, it's HUNTING, and the quicker your dog can catch something the better. And whilst I can appreciate coursing dogs etc, I can also see where antis etc get alot of their ammunition from. The sooner people stop calling hunting 'sport' the better
  15. In my opinion , the best thing for fox is a rifle. Many of the younger element involved with running dogs seem to think fox fox fox. They are NOT hard to catch for almost any running dog, and I personally couldn't care less if any of the parents etc of any pup I was thinking of bringing on would take fox or not, edible game all the way.
  16. Why would you want that sort of breeding in a runner?,what one side of the breeding gives,the other side counteracts. Was thinking along the same lines. If you've got a deerhound x you don't need bull in it. And yes I've got a deerhound x and seen plenty of bull x's, which frankly I wouldn't give kennel space to. Deerhound x will do everything, and much more, than a bull x imo
  17. Lol you must be the same age as me. I agree about walking em up with a pup, get em as close as possible, you want em to catch, not have a frustrating time of things chasing something they've only got half a chance of catching
  18. Thanks again for the replies guys, given me more of an idea
  19. Lol @ pegleg, thanks for the replies lads, to be honest I'd prefer a cocker, it's just that I've heard they can be a bit hard going, and Ive not owned a spaniel before so am a bit out of my depth as regards training them
  20. Does anyone on here use welsh springers instead of english or cockers, and if so how do you rate them? Any positive info would be appreciated, as I've been thinking for a while about getting a spaniel to work alongside our lurcher bitch in the day and also a bit of shooting. Like the cockers but keep hearing that they can be a bit full on most of the time. Thanks
  21. What if say ye had a WHIPPET, and you thought the world of it, would you keep it in the house or kennel, given the FACT that it caught more than any of your 'well bred' and much thought about, as regarding feet etc, lurcher? kennel or house?
  22. Understand what you're saying, it's just that I personally feel alot easier when they're in the house are you talking about the security side of things,so the dogs don't get stolen?...........the simple fact is you get shite dogs in houses and kennels,and great dogs in houses and kennels True, and shite ones are just as often stolen as the good ones if they're always outside, and it's not nice having even a shite dog stolen well at least you know yours is safe in the hoose.....atb... True again, but if it was shit it wouldn't be in my house atb lol
  23. Understand what you're saying, it's just that I personally feel alot easier when they're in the house are you talking about the security side of things,so the dogs don't get stolen?...........the simple fact is you get shite dogs in houses and kennels,and great dogs in houses and kennels True, and shite ones are just as often stolen as the good ones if they're always outside, and it's not nice having even a shite dog stolen
  24. Not having a dig at whips or greys, I love em, and have seen and owned some that also ran over varying types of groundwithout a problem, just having a laugh with robwelsh at some of the absolute SHITE that gets written on here about em
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