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Everything posted by shaaark

  1. You've just awoken the KRAKEN, aka mChammed!!
  2. Until my old mate died, 5 years ago, on many Saturday mornings, we used to enjoy just getting on the train in ponty and heading up the valleys, and on the toss of a coin, heads for right tails for left, we'd then head off to the nearest pub from whatever station we felt like getting off at. Used to quite enjoy the Ivor hael as a quiet one to start off with lol
  3. Indeed I have, Bb lol. Have had several 'interesting' times in all of the above watering holes!!
  4. If you're visiting Wales again, charts, don't get confused and ask the taxi driver to take you to the Wyndham Arms!!
  5. You ever see a beddy/grey catch a hare, Gooey?
  6. I'll leave custom house out of the conversation lol. Jack Peterson, Bridgend Rugby Club?
  7. Was another welsh lad on here, that had a 1st cross from that kennels. Probably about 12 years ago. Can't recall his name. Just to clarify, charts, I know you're not welsh, I meant myself lol.
  8. Throw a couple of pork pies in, job's a good'un.
  9. Watched Cyborg, last night, for about the hundredth time. Nothing too complicated.
  10. You don't eat pork? Understably in some of the countries you go to, with rats running over your feet, and you obviously walking bare footed, on the ground those rats are pissing on every 15 seconds. BUT, british pork, with all it's health and safety, you won't eat? Bizarre.
  11. Just about 2 million years, that's all.
  12. shaaark

    Good Times

    Great that is, dodge. Hopefully things are working out for a better, more positive outcome.
  13. Used to love it when his 'characters' used to phone in, ...... seething sid, mr mad etc lol
  14. Robins will nest in January if it's mild enough, tomo. I think with the change/shift in weather patterns over the last few years, a lot of nature is changing it's usual patterns to cope.
  15. Impossible. Gooey, old chap, you don't seem able to grasp the fact that fury has brought all this scorn and derision upon himself, by his constant lying, bullshit, hypocrisy and contradictions. Only got himself to blame. And if you believe he's going to fight usyk twice, joshua twice, then rematch ngannou, you need to get yourself onto fury's team. It'll be 2030 before he'll be ready to rematch ngannou!! Lol.
  16. shaaark


    Top pic, dido, is that a bavarian mountain hound?
  17. That top pic, D c, looks like you've been listening to mackems way out culinary ideas, and gone for a house Sparrow fledgling for dessert!!
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