The imbibing of bean and raisin wine is a must, when one is translating any sort of ancient munuscript.
Indeed, in many countries it is considered highly uncouth not to partake of said concoction.
Not that I could eat that, looks like something a dog has thrown up!!
But, at least it doesn't look quite as bad as the shite with frogspawny looking gunk on it!!
Too late for that warning, mate!!
Though I will say, I definitely don't drink as much, or as often, as I did in the past.
Having a completely 'dry january,' apart from tea and water, and will probably do at least another month after that.
Admit it, Mack, you fell through the doorway of the changing room, in the costume shop on festive road, the one time you got drunk, and have been hooked ever since!!
My mother, absolute c**t, my Mrs mother, absolute c**t.
My father is tidy, my father in law is a tad tidier.
But, you lads that have good/nice parents and good mother/father in laws, that's great. But life for MANY people isn't that good.
My mother in law died nearly 8 years ago.
And I know it won't be too popular on here, or maybe it will? But, thank f**k!!
She did EVERYTHING she could for the first few years me and the mrs were together, to try to split us up.
But, we've been together for several years, and that ABSOLUTE HARIDAN is dead!!!