And ffs, stop assuming G L needs to listen to anything I've got to say.
He knows more about whippets, hare coursing, and hare coursing with whippets than I do.
Yeah, been having a bit of gyp around my left elbow and shoulder, for the last few weeks.
Had same on right side a few years ago, and took cortizone jabs and faffing around up doctors and hospital for weeks to get it sorted.
Would rather not go through that again, was a right ball ache.
Just you.
Hares are a natural prey item for eagles around the world.
And considering those birds aren't living wild, I was pretty impressed at how quickly they got back onto some of those hares, after initially missing.
Anyone else on here not able to listen to any of the music people put up today?
Just checked my settings etc, it's only this site that no volume is coming through?!
Neither of us, me nor Tony, speak tyson the fairy king language, you gappy toothed, ugly little rat bustard, dosser!!
Knows worroy meenz, buddzee?! Lol