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Everything posted by shaaark

  1. Is it just me, or was that a boring race?
  2. Couple of sensible points there, mate. Watched a couple of YouTube vids last night, one of them being that totally pointless, self ego stroking, fury press conference. I've taken three possible scenarios from it, none being good or positive.
  3. Totally different, kingy. You can 'work' creosote into the wood better with a brush, and are less likely to miss awkward cracks/crevices etc.
  4. Monday, MONDAY, MONDAY IS THE DEADLINE, BTHVVVTHVV!! Pathetic drugged up c**t!!! LOL Absolutely HATE the contradictory, lying, bullshitting c**t!!!
  5. Butter is 'some' of the food of the gods. None of this 'low fat spread' shite etc etc, get some real butter down your neck. Real fat, animal fat, full fat milk etc, is all better for you than this low fat, no fat complete BOLLOX they keep trying to ram down our throats, for 'our health and longevity' etc they keep churning out. Not aimed at you in particular
  6. Brush is always better.
  7. Got to say, kids are in bed, and me and the mrs were just smooching to this!! Superb record. Thanks for sharing it.
  8. No disrespect to you, mate, but you aint making too much sense.
  9. Oh dear, Tyson Luke Skulduggery.
  10. Thank you mate. Is that correct though? I personally only know one fella that owned a pair of gsp's, brother and sister, and he also told me that they were a different breed type from the gwp?
  11. From what I've read about both, they are different breeds, not just coats. Surely, that would explain the differences more than just coat type?!
  12. You could be on to a winner there, blacky, good thinking.
  13. Excellent that, mate. Could recognise Bobbie Shaftoe and Belfast child, not sure of the others?
  14. Knew you wouldn't let me down, blacky. By the way, just bought a new chest freezer. Last couple of nights been a tad warm, so thought I'd get a new one early, before summer hits us properly.
  15. Yep, that's alligator gar you have over there, wolfy.
  16. A proper plate of scran, Arry.
  17. Just showed your whole post to my Mrs, Arry, and she agrees too.
  18. I don't think the majority of people in the country would add any support for any government's decision, to allow people to hunt deer in this country. As most probably believe all the negative rubbish reported in newspapers etc, about rowdy groups of yahoos, hell bent on killing everything in sight, will descend on the land immediately around them, with their 'specially bred' bull crosses being thrown out of van doors to murder innocent wildlife. A cull of sorts might work though, lol.
  19. You've already lost your argument with bangers, with that one sentence.
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