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Everything posted by shaaark

  1. On my phone so pics ain't the sharpest. So I'm saying puma, those spots should start disappearing in a couple of months.
  2. I'm just being, well, trying to be, a tad jocular, and having a bit of banter. Not trying to provoke you. And, I'm not telling you to chill, I said 'calm down,' like you told me to calm down, on the fury v usyk thread, a few weeks ago. It's called humour, and not taking anyone too seriously on here.
  3. What routine/routines, rep range and amount of sets per bodypart are you using, mate? Just reread your post. You could try cutting back on your all out effort on your other bodyparts, just maintain things as they are for those, so you can put a bit more effort into your arm and chest exercises. Mind, saying that, what the f**k do I know, can't even communicate what I'm trying to say on the big cat thread, without people thinking I'm a snidey, provoking c**t?!! . Good luck with it, mate. A lot of trial and error involved with the old weights game.
  4. There's the missing 8th, hot dog.
  5. Are you targeting those two muscle groups more than others? You might be simply overtraining them.
  6. You take things too seriously, stiffy. Calm down. Lol
  7. I think you both need to calm down.
  8. Was going to say that. How anyone can tell that is a bull greyhound, possibly a second cross, in that pic, must have superhuman vision.
  9. I think he's pretty spot on with most of his boxing stuff. Not watched loads of it, mind, but the ones I've watched, yeah, he's pretty much spot on.
  10. Not really watched much at all of his mma stuff. Tried watching it, but lose interest in it pretty quickly. Will have a look for that one. Watched it yesterday, mate. Yep, was funny. I find him to be pretty spot on with a lot of his breakdowns etc, of certain fighters. As I said to Gooey lol.
  11. I can. And FFS don't say 'I bet you can?!'
  12. Perhaps it's a 'friendship' ring?
  13. Don't think I've ever 'been' with a virgin? . Nope, pretty damned sure I haven't.
  14. Yeah, thought so. I think most welsh rivers it's 17th October, give or take a few days.
  15. Kin el, bird, you'll have the anti p***y police on your case now!! Lol
  16. What river you fishing, mate? Sea trout season ends Oct 17 on river taff, lower reaches, south wales.
  17. Lol don't know about warmest summer on record, but so far, here in south wales, up until the last couple of days, it's been the wettest June on record. So they say. But they would, wouldn't they?! Lol.
  18. Ah OK, I read a bit about it earlier. Don't know much details, thought you might?
  19. Lol, kanny, you'll probably know more than me, but I've read joshua is looking to start a support etc home for retired boxers?
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