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Everything posted by shaaark

  1. That's all anyone needs. Unless they want to go into competitive bodybuilding.
  2. Lol no, a cheese and ham salad sandwich lol
  3. Author of article, Carolyn gregoire.
  4. I would if I knew how to, mate!! Me and technology don't really mix lol, only the last few weeks I've been putting a few things up on here!! . I just typed in 'why do humans feel so connected to the sea', and that was one of the search results that came up. Fascinating.
  5. Yeah, definitely. Could you open that link I put up?
  6. Kin el, mate, I just spat a mouthful of my dinner on the floor!!
  7. Oooh, I like that, mate. Not heard it before.
  8. Was listening to this, christy Moore, last night. Absolutely beautiful. One of my all time favourites.
  9. Will look him up Just listened to a few of his tracks, including 'you could be free' 2023 narrowboat sessions, very good.
  10. Radie peat is lead singer. Another two tracks you might like, hares on the mountain, and my bonny boy.
  11. Wilf, you heard of a band 'lankum'? The old man from over the sea, think you'd like that.
  12. Nope, you've misunderstood me.
  13. Kebab eating, akitas don't count!! Oooh look out, whippets that I've never owned, don'nt count!!
  14. Absolute clown, and like greyman has said, for faaackin ages, you absolute WALLOPER!!!
  15. Would that be worse than slipping your kebab hound in your garden?!!
  16. Well, Gooey, if I owned a whippet now, I wouldn't be slipping it on a 'big cat'!!
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