'Give me joy in my heart, keep me praisiiing, give me joy in my heart, I prayyy, I pray, give me joy in my heart, keep me praisiiing, keep me praising til the break of dayyy'!!
Par for the course with Gooey, aka mCHULL, I'm afraid, wolfie.
Most of us on here have to guess wtf he's talking about most of the time.
Stick around, you'll learn.
As to the rest of your post, I stopped reading it after a few sentences, you were starting to waffle!!
That you, Bill, in a new 'guise'?
I mean, I can understand your post without having to second guess every other word?!
If not, my apologies, Wild-Bill.
To be totally honest, Gooey, when it comes to politics, and especially politics and figures, I'm totally out of my depth, mate.
Probably not the best answer in the world, but my mind sort of automatically blanks off when large figures and politics are being discussed.
I'll still read the thread though, hopefully pick up a bit of knowledge?
Taped that 'dogs behaving badly' program last night, just finished watching it.
Bantam Bulldog.
Never heard of it before.
Anyone know anything of them, or know someone that owns one?
A quick Google didn't throw up anything really worthwhile.