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Everything posted by alan626

  1. still working hard in its forth season that will do me
  2. sorry to hear that mate chin up mate rip pup
  3. there all right for shallow digs but wouldnt reccomend them on deep earths
  4. did use not feed or worm dogs back then sorry lads but them dogs are in bits
  5. i hope wetdogsmell never see s this tread lol
  6. ill have 2 of them please any body know wat line he out of ... a new means to a working terrier
  7. good lamping mate keep the young lad at it had a good night myself just a pity about the amount of rain that fell
  8. that dog never stops yaping dont worry mate a lot of lurchers wit terrier in them yap wat way is it bred
  9. them collies are bad tempered and have endless stamina and can not be trusted i once seening one hanging out of a fork truck on the fork by the teeth at 15mph the farmer said he con stay on for about 20 min i wouldnt like to be trying to get him of a child hope the kid gets well soon
  10. i was wondering why gem wanted me to drop round to take pics good luck wit that carl
  11. all the lads in that area get in touch with each other pick a couple of nights not to go lamping and then let the fun begin send them c**ts on a wild goose chase make as many phone calls to them as use can and send them up and down the country like blue arse flys its like the boy that cryed wolf the people stoped coming
  12. is no body aloud breed of there bitches any more unless the wankers on thl say so .. if the lad wants to breed a litter of jack russells at 2year old so what let him maybe he will sell them to old women as pets none of our bussiness so back of lads
  13. read the post again u stocking
  14. alan626


    i was waiting for it it had to be u this might sound wrong but im still getting pains in my ribs over wat u done to me i thought you liked it ruff i only went hard because my gerl friend was watching whos ur gerl friend back to school for u carl but dont go back to saint pauls taht the way we talks in the hood biatch back to the A&E for you my little perigree chum ive put my foot in it again better start training :weight_lift2: :showoff: :aggressive:
  15. alan626


    i was waiting for it it had to be u this might sound wrong but im still getting pains in my ribs over wat u done to me i thought you liked it ruff i only went hard because my gerl friend was watching whos ur gerl friend back to school for u carl but dont go back to saint pauls i only went easy on u because she was watching
  16. alan626


    i was waiting for it it had to be u this might sound wrong but im still getting pains in my ribs over wat u done to me
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