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Everything posted by alan626

  1. i use to hunt alone untill one night i got chased by a ghost and no body belived me so now i always bring some body just in case it happens again
  2. well done dog should put him up for stud now he proven him self ah well done mate take ur time now dont get him bit to much u could be on to a winner
  3. wats up kev any black eyes lately u better hide it from jigsaw he will eat it
  4. i feed mine chicken and they get beef and a cup of greyhound food twice a week my dogs get plenty of work if ur only getting out once or twice a week id just feed them regalar food about 21percent protein
  5. nice one u got a good buy fair play to the lads
  6. he looks smaller it could be ur long legs lol cracking looking dog my type
  7. better hope its a shallow earth dont want ur dog to spew jmho id keep him tied up
  8. rip danny sorry for ur loss mate chin up
  9. cracking strong looking dog are u sure u got his size right
  10. ur going to get stick for holding ur terrier like that
  11. i agree with you pal what if you have permish but is that the best time to get the rabbits?or game?ever tryed a change in time you ever actually been lamping?............. I have never been lamping in a chav robin? ..how do you do it explain cos there are meny ways to do it?nd beleve me i can hold my own lamping?can you? permission wats that
  12. i dont head out untill about 12.30 give people farmers time to go to bed
  13. kick the living f**k out of them i hope that man gets his dopgs back ill keep an eye out over here
  14. sorry mate but when that happens its to late he be dead in the morning
  15. trow her in at the deep end get her a bull x
  16. smart motor. cant go wrong with a whippet x. this is my lads ferreting motor rides there and back on it plus he carries the ferrets and nets on it and the rabbits on the way back a young lad wit plenty of potenial and motive and a cracking motor need to get one of them for my self
  17. holy shit tassa he s a monster and very good looking like his mother
  18. do not hit that rivid with a hammer and nail u have drill it out with a small matal bit then the bulb housing will pull out allow u at the wireing . when ur finished putting it back togeter wrap an inch of the handle and an inch of the new wire in insulating tape the tape takes all the strain climbing trough ditches and climbing gates ect ect
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