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Everything posted by alan626

  1. i think u do be just looking for a row u go against any thing some body says on this site and he not my mate i dont know him
  2. i agree wit wat a load of lads are saying about the dogs not putting enough efford in ,and in the dvd u dident see the dogs catching any foxes in small fields they were all at least 20acre fields if my dog couldnt catch a fox in one of those fields single handed it would be gone ,, and i dont think its fair to talk about there personal lives on a open forum ,, and for u run for ur life keep ur mouth shut because u talk notting but shit
  3. Bravo that's real sport beter than taking them for a mooch ???????????? its called training the pups need to know that they can catch them
  4. ferrits wont survive i found a friends ferrit he lost about 3 weeks ago it was in its final days only i found it
  5. Yes mate, in the hope that someone would have contacts, i have had a few PM's so it is not all in vain. However judging by some off the negative comments it seems we have some numpties in working dogs have u got a picture of ur bitch usally when there that small they have bulging eyes usally a sign of chiaua in the breeding something to watch out for when choosing a stud
  6. as the old saying goes last in first out; so i would not put an old dog out that served me well to make room for a young one; would just have to make more room
  7. i have a 7 half'' and 9 month old think ill hold on to her now
  8. get the dog a foot spa and make a pot of tea for her if that doesent work get rid of her and get a bull cross that can take a bit of stick or buy a drum of weed killer
  9. sounds like sycoptic mange mate into a barrell of sheep dip jmo
  10. ye i know that but ur land lord will ask the rest of the neigbours if they have the same problem
  11. just be nice keep ur dogs on a lead muzzle them even because its not wat that little prick thinks of u its wat the rest of the neigbours think of u that counts ive been in the paper over my neigbours cat they report me at least 20 times a year to lspca or national wild life parks i had words with him the last time he done it and he took it to a new level reporting me to the dole office because he taught i was working and claiming the scratcher at the same time the idiot couldnt be more wrong .
  12. fair play bird sound like a top bloke
  13. u would think all the 15 years ur digging u would have a decent terrier that would manage a fox on its own the more u write the worse ur dogs are getting
  14. if u think she smells bad in the disco wait till u get her home and she opens her jeans
  15. Good man, my black whippet was getting ready to take you to a race hate crime tribunal, either that or roll past your crib, in his lexus and blow your away bwooooooy!
  16. great read lads keep them stories coming any tips on catching trout and salmon
  17. i think we should make a collection and give this fella back his money u would want to be very hard up to take a tenner of somebody for a lend of a ferrit
  18. i think any of the lads that dont know booth or know the truth about the dogs should keep there mouths shut use are only saying wat use think use know and the more use say the more names are getting mention there is enough lads getting trouble of the wild life act at the moment so stay out of it lads its not ur fight
  19. its the likes of this stupid story that gives the antis a better hand he talking about how he bolted a fox then shot it but it still got away but managed to track it again sent in a terrier that gave it stick for 20 mins that came out so sent in a hard terrier that draged the fox around the den for an hour before they broke trough on top of the terrier, then he talks about trying to pull it out wit a set of tongs and that doesent work so lets a couple of young terriers have a go before the fox is killed. could he not just say had a dig today fox humainly dispatched and the pups had a rag,inst
  20. its the likes of this stupid story that gives the antis a better hand he talking about how he bolted a fox then shot it but it still got away but managed to track it again sent in a terrier that gave it stick for 20 mins that came out so sent in a hard terrier that draged the fox around the den for an hour before they broke trough on top of the terrier, then he talks about trying to pull it out wit a set of tongs and that doesent work so lets a couple of young terriers have a go before the fox is killed. could he not just say had a dig today fox humainly dispatched and the pups had a rag,inst
  21. the dog should be able to stay there as long as it takes no matter how hard of punnishment its getting. once it reaches its quarry it should stay till dug if it comes out u can accept it once because u dont know wat just happened under there any more than once it becomes a habbit to the dog, thats no good if u cant trust the dog
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