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Everything posted by alan626

  1. seen a dead badger cub yesterday he was atleast 14 15 weeks old
  2. i use the same as that and run my dogs 3 times a week i do 8 km a session then the other couple days just go strolling wit them for about 2 hours a day but as all ready said becareful wit the temptures just before dark is a good time to run them
  3. never heard such crap in all my life wats better just depends on the dog or bitch breed xs ect ect u cant pick one over the other just for the record best dog on a fox on the lamp i ever seen was a dog and best under ground is a bitch so i dont think u can pick one over the other jmo
  4. sorry for ur loss mate but some sadly times its a short life for a lurcher
  5. the thing about theives is they dont tell any body where there going so if u catch them u know wat to do
  6. wasnt a bad season numbers were good 58 digs lost a few good terriers its a tough sport finished now til second week in sept rearing next seasons champs painting kennels walking them out thats it til sept now bored u lost a few terriers
  7. sorry to hear that rip remus
  8. of corse he caught it look at the snow on the ground
  9. good luck wit ur lamping mate
  10. u must have done some licking to get out of that one
  11. jigsaw would not like to be in ur boots the last time i insulted carl he promised me a hug to the only problem is he cracked 3 of my ribs and u know im not messing because u were there hope u like hospital food mate
  12. get the varible mate as all ready explained its much handyer in the field , but a bit of advice for ya as soon as u get it change the wire in it that coil wire is shite it will let u down when ur out in the field some night soon
  13. rarrits have a much better advantage over a dog on a golf corse and the dog is at a much higher risk of an injury or even death stay away wit adog at night time in my opieon
  14. lovely pup wat u planning on doing wit him u will need to get a pair of white runners now
  15. not great pictures of a mobile phone she wont stand still
  16. just punch the fucing head of them dont mind there cars break up there rods
  17. PM SENT MATE pictures any one know how to down sise
  18. i bred this bitch my self back in june 2010 i got her a home at 12 weeks old but a few weeks ago i bumped into the i gave her to a friend of a friend and asked him how she was doing he said grand went up to his place for a look, couldnt belive wat i was seeing so any way i left wit the bitch she is now back in good health and looking for a new home . she has the best of breeding on both sides i use my dogs for charlie she will also be a great rabbiting bitch her breeding dam grey wippit bull site 3quater grey quater collie i want a decent lad to take her give her a home for life and plenty of
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