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Everything posted by alan626

  1. ye i was there i think he was blind 330
  2. i use that one the dog cant give u any quick jerks that will pull u of the bike ,, the only down fall is the strap has velckro adjustments on it on it i do be afraid in the rain it might come loose but no problems ye
  3. fair play tommy taking big e under ur wing
  4. u wont keep him away from fishing now
  5. bump put the picture up on all the hot topic s in every section asking have u seen this bitch im sure the mods wont mind bump
  6. strong stuff u should not slag any body on this site after the tread i read about u a few weeks ago
  7. sorry slips didnt mean to offend u ... but i have done every thing by the book wit this pup and she just doesent want to know about it hopefully by the end of the season ill be bragging all over thl wat a great bitch she turned out to be
  8. make the dog eat the rest of it he will be sick of it so he wont do it again
  9. i was going to ask the same about bringing on a beagle or a springer for fox only but i dont have accsess to a pack of hounds would it be possible to bring him on wit terriers and lurchers sorry if it sounds stupit but i know notting about bringing on a scent dog from a pup
  10. no digger thats her brother i have no doubt about him he ready to go just the the bitch is not mature enough ye it wont be long before the penny drops
  11. i know a lad tht relies on his k charles x springer to find foxes for him and that dog has caught foxes trying to bolt that dog is about 14 now he wasent fed all them years for notting
  12. hopefully this is it roll on the bad weather
  13. ye slips i keep her in a black dark shed covered in her own sh1t i was surprised when she barked cause her teeth are so over grown i taught it would hurt her mouth when she barked .. slips dont be stupit u tosser if u have notting sensible to say keep ur trap shut and say notting .. i stoped digging in janurary because i dug cubs the pup was only 7 months then so no she didnt see much if u look trough other post u will see this bitch killing rats and generl mooching ,, i like to hang my wellies up to dry in the summer thanks for ur pennys worth slips but i didnt need it
  14. the dig the other day was a once of just to see was my old bitch getting fitter so the pup will have another few weeks to think about wat she wants to do but when i start back at the digging the pups will be coming every time im in no rush to get these pups to ground so they will be on the chains for a few weeks and by the time i take them of the chains they should be rearing to go
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