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Everything posted by Brummy

  1. At last someone who can see the wood through the trees. Yes we have to support our armed forces but they are there for the wrong reason and the thieving lieing pieces of shite who run our country will keep them there so long as they think they can fleece a bit more out of there no matter what the cost. There is no doubt about the courage and bravery of our armed forces but the way I see things panning out, this will be the UK's Vietnam Amen Brother...............
  2. Anyone who feels strongly about this very serious subject should read the following article: Article Anyone who thinks that we are there because of 911, bombs on trains or bombs in buses, they are very wrong. As always this war like the one in Iraq is about MONEY and POWER. Obama's current defence big wig, Zbigniew Brzezinksi wrote a book in 1997 called "The Grand Chessboard" which outlines the US imperialist plans for Eurasia. These plans are now in full swing. It's not a coincidence. The Grand Chessboard
  3. I also have the litter sister. This one has been.............. erm... entered !
  4. I will do you a swap for this one. 19 Yrs and untried:
  5. Brummy, is that Paddy as a pup? Also why when we went out did you spray whipped cream on your gentlemans area to increase your "recall"? Never reveal the secrets of The Craft..............................
  6. Yes WILF that's how YOU start them. But they always finish in your mouth I understand.
  7. This is on page 25 of the new Darcy book, poke deep, spray well on his back, apprently the dog is from "Punch" lines and that unfortunate underneath is Wilf............. Perhaps that is why Wilf is so angst ridden ?
  8. Peter seems rather frustrated doesn't he? Messing with himself while others look on without a care in the would. I'm trying hard to work out the positives and negatives in this but I suppose he's happy so let the dog wank ! Is Peter a homosexualist ?
  9. You need to teach him patience and to connect with his inner calm. Also remind him that if all else fails, grip the base of the shaft and squeeze whilst thinking about cricket or suchlike. This will keep the wolf from the door, so to speak ! Hannah it seems that you are a very sensual creature and I trust that your ongoing sexual tutoring will aid his long term development.
  10. Hannah that is a very beautiful film. It shows the tenderness of gay dog love and how well you've taught young Chico how to give gentle oral. Lovely stuff !
  11. In the week he tracks wounded deer for his master. At the weekend he's big on the gay scene. Filthy little bummer !
  12. From this: To this: As camp as a row of tents !!!
  13. look at this queer greyhound. Out and proud !
  14. The one on the right has a very snazzy jumper on. Nice ! This site is full of people with gay dogs they just won't admit it. If your dog is a homosexualist speak now !
  15. All police are thick pointless pricks. It really is that simple, PRICKS !
  16. This bull cross is from very good breeding but he is homosensual !
  17. Here is a picture of Simoman's dog Julian at a gay Halloween fundraiser for DWA (dogs with AIDS):
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