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Everything posted by richlee

  1. Hey cousin, I'll be praying for you if that terrier gets loose ,looks like a challenging dig ?????
  2. Sorry mate, I'm 500/600 miles n/e of tenn. I know of a few serious terriermen in alabama, but I can't talk for them, they should read this post!!!and the only thing your gone to dig in florida is the beaches n the snowbirds!!!!
  3. What states u b n ? What dates u here ? Will u have your own car ?
  4. I wish all who read this a blessed 2017 ,that your shovels never get rusty and your dogs never make a bad turn ,God bless, richlee
  5. Neil cooney,mr Johnson , is in his mid 90ies,failing eye site ,sharp n mind , still talking terriers&airdales. Last I heard mr jent is out of the terriers, Tony ravioli is still Tony ravioli
  6. Foxdropper, since you seem to be the authority on American Coons would you also please answer my simple question of the average weight of terrier used in earth work in the UK
  7. Just curious Terriermen,what is the average size terrier u use for earth work in the UK ?
  8. General Lee sounds like a man with good thoughts and ideas, i can provide my address 2 any terrierman that can ship me a couple Terriers under 15 pounds and spanable, that way I won't have to breed these two curs together to replenish some of my stock
  9. Hey, any u terriermen want to bring a team of spanable terriers over n show me how it's done, I'm teachable and can supply some 15lb soybean field feed hogs & some 25lb+ sweetcorn feed riverbank coon, please come over, I'll put u up n feed you,richlee
  10. Danny , what type work you planing to do, just curious ?
  11. I do 95% of my dig'n by myself , by choice,guess I just to old for the nonsence! Richlee
  12. Wow,what a quote Glyn!!!!!!!, i'm gone to recycle that 1.
  13. Shaddy93, thanks for taken time to pm me , bayers don't get that type of smile.lol
  14. Shaddy93,I love that bottom photo,the smile on that bitches face says it all!!!!!!!richlee
  15. Shoebootie, the smile on that terrier says a thousand words , keep up the good work , n don't worry about that phone once you get it figured out ,you'll need a new 1 , GOD bless , richlee
  16. Ratkilla, now let's not b so hard on your American cousin, he said he had pics of a 28lbs coon , I'm sure it's hanging from a fish scale. I'm sure the terrier used was under 20lbs , n not some hybrid cross. I believe mr rippem is a man.of his word n will post photos as he quoted.richlee
  17. Apache ,Thank you , worked her at 14/15 lbs,which is a size bigger than I like , but her hunt drive n suicide hunting style got her were she needed to be,to get up close n personal ,very smart bitch that would brake the bottom jaw on sparring partner, game over on many occasions, over 100 digs , some at short as 15 mins, longest 11hrs, had to used a concrete saw to cut through a township macadam road n galvanized drain pipe. Because of her stay till dug to policy n no back up gear. Yes by sound or scent or sight you will know what on the menu. richlee
  18. Shoebootie, no harm ,no foul ,you can either text me or call me on that phone number ,God bless you and yours ,richlee
  19. Rabbit hunter, most of my digs are about 1 foot of top soil then slate rock , i free cast my dogs ,they must b able to find there own game,brother it's like fish'n you don't no what's on the menu. groundhog , coon,redngray fox , possum , skunk , feral cats , n of course the game dogs worse nite mare porcupine. richlee
  20. Shoebootie,I'm sorry a post about only wanting to deal with serious terriermen in the USA offends u, the post was ment to keep Internet hunters , thin skin , kennel blind guys who are not teachable at bay!!!!, when me or my dogs are not busted up ,we digg'n , brushpile,riverbank'n,barn hunt'n, so what ever u can teach me to help ME bring my DOG HOME , I'm all ears. Richlee
  21. I would have thought by now at least 1 of the 4 serious terriermen from the USA , who posted on this thread would have called me by now!!!!!!!, offer still stands!!!!!!,I let my dogs to the talking !!!!!!,at this time I would like to thank the breeders who breed dogs who stay till dug to !!!!!!!
  22. Kyboy44 & rippem , my terriers do the hunting n I do the digging, if either one of u guys serious about gone out digg'n!!!!! I'm n s/c Pennsylvania & my partner is n n/w Ohio , if anyone is serious pm me .richlee
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