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Everything posted by Lab

  1. believe me, it jumped a 6 foot fence. or climbed it, whatever. however it got over, it was in my garden, sh****ng mine. You sure your lab' never opened the gate for it meaning what exactly?? For fucks sake, you never heard of a joke? Lighten up! yea, just not in a mood for laughing right now, came for a bit of advice. if i wanted a joke i'd go look at the twat who thinks i will foret about it. thats a joke. (better than yours as well ) Fair enough, maybe not time for banter? On a serious note then i wouldn't go in all guns blazing for the money or your
  2. believe me, it jumped a 6 foot fence. or climbed it, whatever. however it got over, it was in my garden, sh****ng mine. You sure your lab' never opened the gate for it meaning what exactly?? For fucks sake, you never heard of a joke? Lighten up!
  3. believe me, it jumped a 6 foot fence. or climbed it, whatever. however it got over, it was in my garden, sh****ng mine. You sure your lab' never opened the gate for it
  4. Must be some lab' to jump your 6 foot fence?
  5. Lab

    dogs in pubs

    Is that a sexual inuendo?
  6. Sounds like youe 3 friends are just "fussy eaters" rather than "veggies"
  7. well done man.. thats the funniest f****n thing ive seen on this site so far... it is a joke right? lol :stupid: :11: What a load of shite gav.......how are you ment to poke it in the eyes when your hands are full of cutlery? Think before you post eh! if you read what i said properly you will see that i said hold the cutlery in your left hand so you can poke with your right Ha ha ha . Not only were you rippin the pish you also "seriously" thought about how you would go about this method of catchind bolted foxes.
  8. well done man.. thats the funniest f****n thing ive seen on this site so far... it is a joke right? lol :stupid: :11: What a load of shite gav.......how are you ment to poke it in the eyes when your hands are full of cutlery? Think before you post eh!
  9. you forgot champions. So i did ............"Referees" too
  10. "Badge" is the daddy of all words but i like to use the word "Shagger" when talking to mates
  11. I hate the words "Glasgow Rangers" Oh and the word "Period" :kiss:
  12. How do you sleep at night FTB with your assualt on clint..............I reckon you are 1 post away from certain death?
  13. One of your better 1's!
  14. Cant you read... NO HUNS ALLOWED on this site. Only kiddin'
  15. Some folk just don't get it! Maybe???? Good luck in your quest though
  16. I'd wring its neck and be done with it! Fair play to you that you want to help the little fecker out but whats the point, even if you manage to get it up to flight stage whats to say somebody wont shoot it? Alot of mucking around for nothing.
  17. If someone has asked for an opinion then they cant be pissed if its not the opinion the were after. Truthful all the way
  18. Lab


    al give ye a fiver fir the lot.jist looked at the size ther 34" they`l b far to big fir ma wee bum :wankerzo4: pm me your number bud tried to pm you but your inbox must be full Dont bother Dogger, the last time tramp had a 34" waist he was at primary school
  19. Well its the 'G' guy that i am on about and he defo bought patridges to work hawks over pointers. I was the same on putting full names down on here.
  20. If we are on about the same guy i think he worked pointers with hawks, i used to give patridges to someone involved with cr smith...........cant remember the guys name now
  21. owwww crisp porn :11: Oi.............Thats my crisps your letching at!!! Sorry bud i've seen photo's of ghosts before but i still dont believe in them......maybe you should send that pallet to me and then al believe you for sure!
  22. I dont believe you ..............send me a big box of the salt and vinegar for proof!
  23. Chocolate smothered toffee from Thorntons
  24. iv heard,spell checker flavour are pretty good to We are a tad grumpy this evening sorry pal your right,to many sunday dinner time got some editing to do tomorrow,but hey dont mean nothing by it,all tongue in cheek A sunday sess' ........ye canny beat them.
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