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Everything posted by Lab

  1. "And don't tell me both sides involved in this".....correct me if I'm wrong but that sounds like your saying it's only Yes voters who are vandalising stuff?? Did you just forget I told you about the No voters painting the woman's wall in my village??
  2. Hahahaha......unreal. In my local village the no voters have spray painted lots of No's on a woman's wall around her garden. Canny believe you seem to think the vandalism and threatening behaviour is attached to the Yes voters.
  3. Big statement that calling 50% of Scots f***ing idiots.
  4. There's a chance it will be seen on the BBC. I'll not hold my breath for the stuff the No voters get up too......biased!!!You think I'm saying this because I'm biased? My fuking son was in tears in his mums arms trying to get him through the crowd with police trying to help! As a mob were shouting in at our faces sticking yes stickers on our backs ect f***ing scumbags the lot of them!!But you will agree the No voters are just the same?? Would that make it alright then Lab is that what your saying, the mans kids were getting abuse you tool! Since when did a say that ya f***ing numpty!! It'
  5. There's a chance it will be seen on the BBC. I'll not hold my breath for the stuff the No voters get up too......biased!!!You think I'm saying this because I'm biased? My fuking son was in tears in his mums arms trying to get him through the crowd with police trying to help! As a mob were shouting in at our faces sticking yes stickers on our backs ect f***ing scumbags the lot of them!! But you will agree the No voters are just the same??
  6. There's a chance it will be seen on the BBC. I'll not hold my breath for the stuff the No voters get up too......biased!!!
  7. Skates?? Big f***ing Jessie! What did you do trip over your f***ing handbag...?..pmsl
  8. This is THL no the Crystal Maze.
  9. Lab


    I've seen a few on Facebook. Ones where silly c**ts are going up to black gangs in America and taking the piss. They get punched, kicked, even knives and guns pulled on them. You want to hear them scream "it's a joke dude, it's a joke!!"......??
  10. I got asked a question and I answered. Your name calling is getting on my tits a bit now billy big baws. Ching Ching
  11. No believing that wee prick is going to get away with this. I hope a friend or family member goes mental and dishes out some payback!!!
  12. It would have to be some concrete fact from the Yes campaign that I totally disagreed with. Like if Salmond was to come out and say all hunting/shooting will be banned tomorrow then I'd change my mind precisely on that fact. Now if we do get independence and further down the line that did happen it would be down to a vote and I'd just have to live with that. I'm sure like any politics things will go for and against your favour.
  13. Notice Durie never had a green magic tree...lol
  14. I think that was a fair thing I showed you on FB mate.....look forward to you opinion.....I can imagine...lol
  15. It's not just ASDA, but to answer, I don't know why everyone else isn't chirping up. Maybe they've all come to different conclusions on the best course of action, whether to risk speaking up or to risk keeping quiet.... To my mind it's obvious why those that have have only just spoken up..... why get involved and risk boycotting or other retalitory action untill the risk of YES is quite serious? You've proved yourself that by speaking they have risked negative feeling towards them, something I feel is unfair. They may have spoken to Cameron, we don't know that, but it makes sense to only s
  16. You make it sound like they've said they'll have to put their prices up simply because they want to? They haven't said that at all, they've said that a YES vote will most probably lead to increased running costs which will have to be passed on to the customer. So yes, I would consider someone who boycotted those stores a little pathetic and spiteful for shooting the messenger of reality. These boycotters are choosing to boycot the stores because of a price increase which was a direct result of a change in politics, something out of the hands of the stores. It would be like boycotting a timber
  17. Don't kid yourself, only the hardcore spiteful nationalists are going to boycot all the bussinesses that have stated the truthful reality. It's pathetic to have the attitude of shooting the messenger because you don't like the message. Numerous Chairmen and CEOs of multi million/billion pound bussinesses all made the wrong decision to tell the hard truth? LOL. Lab, I don't think worse of you for being happy to take that risk. But I do think it's a little strange you would rather be ignorant to these people's opinions on what will be felt by the man on the street in terms of economic ch
  18. Ffs mate will you stop reading headlines and read the articles in depth. This is exactly the kind of voter the media love.You don't happen to think that all pit bull type dogs are 'devil dogs' as well do you? What part of my post is not true, Lab? Why are you burying your head in the sand ? You say you look at both sides, yet you instantly dismiss any thing you don't like.I'm sorry mate but you made 3 statements and 2 are not true and the other one is not what you make it.1....He clearly answered Nick Robinsons question, twice actually. Go and watch it. 2.. The superstores have not actually
  19. In my opinion they have weighed up the risk of speaking up and 'looking bad' against the risks of actually having to deal with independence and decided that they had better speak up and be as diplomatic as possible when doing so. You might call that stupid, I call it risk management..... Well there risk assessor needs shot. Stay quiet and not pick a side or speak out and turn 50% of the country against you? Strange.
  20. 'Most probable'.......not 'we will be'. I'll admit that still doesn't sound great. But the BBC interviewed some top bloke from Asdas and they made it look like he was saying price increase when he 'very carefully' never used these words. Now what gets me is if you owned a large company in Scotland and 50% of the population was undecided would you come out and make these statements? Think about it. In the even of a Yes vote most Yes voters will have looked at your views and seen it as bullying and you will loose certain customers. In the event of a No vote you would still loose thousands
  21. Ffs mate will you stop reading headlines and read the articles in depth. This is exactly the kind of voter the media love.You don't happen to think that all pit bull type dogs are 'devil dogs' as well do you? What part of my post is not true, Lab? Why are you burying your head in the sand ? You say you look at both sides, yet you instantly dismiss any thing you don't like. I'm sorry mate but you made 3 statements and 2 are not true and the other one is not what you make it. 1....He clearly answered Nick Robinsons question, twice actually. Go and watch it. 2.. The superstores have not
  22. If I'm honest mate and I've tried for a while to look at both sides. It's the media that's told the most lies in favour of the Better Together campaign. And that is a factamundo. JB....fpmsl, nail on the head there mate. Lucky your were not in for the same position. You'd have gave the boss a right headache...??
  23. I think that's the point though mate.....you've looked at it and are happy the way it is....you've no desire to change things because of the 'what ifs'......then you have the other half off the country that's fed up with the way it is and look at the possible 'what ifs'. What will be will be! Only people I'll have a problem with are No voters who think they can complain about the country when Westminister are pulling the strings.
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