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Everything posted by Lab

  1. No but av got a deerador?
  2. if your posts were your answers to your gcse exams im telling you now, your grades are sitting at an undeniable U, get a grip mate your dogs such a world beater that it can do 7 rabbits 1 hare in 1 night, i have seen dogs that will do 3 times this with bigger quarry on top, tbh mate your dog sound shyte, labradeerhound, why not a jackadoodle or a puggle? dont slate the x till you try it mate, or if you think your dog can do the job soo much better, why not match it up eithsome 1 off here?? theres alot of lads on here will put you to shame my son name it and get your money out CharlieH
  3. you say puncture to back of neck , maybe stoat. wifey call this clint. Are you donkey punching the wife clint?
  4. Didnt see it all but caught the last 5 mins.......he was shit and was out played by a much higher classed player.
  5. All men who ride motorbikes are homosexauls........................words of Jeremy Clarkson now, dont shoot the messenger
  6. If its rat proof then you can rule out mink because it wont get through. My guess would be a stoat....easily recognised with puncture wounds to the back off the neck.
  7. You've just fell for his little game, read things all the way through He'll be wanking himself daft noo :wankerzo4:
  8. Al believe it when he admits it.
  9. Has he been pinning his sister-in-law like?
  10. Oh mate the guns just for show, theres 13 there unless i missed one out! Yes theres loads more i seen another 27 but all silly slips lamp shy or wouldnt come in close enough! Think your getting mixed up with sheep
  11. Looks like your dogs a crack shot...............
  12. No............even the best gundogs need a command(usually whistle) to stop them so you can direct them from there.
  13. Tell the truth it was f**k all to do with the mayfly nymph................it was Topnotch swinging his double ended dildo round his head pretending to be charles atlas
  14. Babysham you'd have to have a few? Whisky bottle.. Ad rather he hit me over the head with the feckin thing.
  15. And theres still these old goats wanting to feed them because "she likes to see them" Why dont the goverment try and police a fine on anybody feeding the little vermins b*****ds. Any anti' should hang there scruffy, greasy haired head in shame if they harassed the family after this attack
  16. One word......................................TRUST!!!
  17. Misery stick some girlie boobies pics on the wall for him & he will love it as a teenager Hang on now Kay i said "imagine", av not got any wee ones never mind one at 10.....am only a young pup myself . Might go ahead with the 'boobie' posters for my own room though
  18. Shows the diff' between little boys and girls then eh? Imagine saying to your 11 year old son "Instead of that new playstation me and yer mum have decided to get you new curtains and a throw on yer bed, happy birthday son what do you think...?" Stick it up yer arse..........
  19. And i wouldn't leave spaces..............leg break waiting to happen. I use a low field gate with rabbit netting on it so the pups cant get there legs through. First few times they were on there arse but they soon get used to it. 8 months now and comfortably jumping 3 foot fence.(labs this is)
  20. Lab


    Johnny is delivering newspapers 1 morning. He knocks at the door of Mrs Smith and tells her that her £5 bill is due. "I'm short of cash at the moment, could i pay you with sex"? Johnny steps in and shuts the door. Mrs Smith unzips his pants, pulls them down and is faced with the biggest cock she has ever clapped eyes on. She lies back on the carpet and is bemused to see Johnny pulling something from his pocket? He takes out a handful of washers, and slips them on to his massive cock. "You dont have to do that son, i can take it all" she says. Johnny looks down and says "No for a f****n' fi
  21. Lab

    Shock Horror!!!

    he wont get past Nadal, if he does then it will something to watch?, but he wont.!! Probably!! But if he wants to win it then this year is a great chance.
  22. What piss poor day,,,,,,,fecking rain!!!

  23. It cracks me up everytime I see it! Espicially when he grabs his ass.lol Just got back from honeymoon and seen he has over 400 hits on youtube!! nice one. Quality.....great idea. Funny for me watching that so you must have been doubled over on your big day with all the jokes meaning more to you
  24. Hope thats not directed at me i love the banter, thats why you got a little at the end John. All toys are firmly still in the pram......................bring it on ladies
  25. A pony...................get yer feckin money out!!
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