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Everything posted by Lab

  1. as hard as this might sound but their are cops out there that dont need a reason to do stuff like that.as folk on here call raul a nutter and a thug,cops can be aswell. but he said the lad tried to swerve into him,and as the vid clearly showed that was a lie.and the police commision and court thought so as well.he was repramanded for falsify his report sheet.but kept his job! I was suprised to see that the cyclist wasn't black.....usually enough for the yanks to dish out an ass whooping
  2. Was your dog on the lead mate? Has the owner of the dog taken care of your vet bill? Hope you booted the little f****r through the air .
  3. If you are worried you could pick up a net for less than 30 quid that would cover that.
  4. Hope its a repeat then because some of they old timers didn't look like they had long to go.
  5. He must have had a reason for stopping him? Any info on why? Maybe a tad harsh on the dismount though
  6. What a beauty....do you actually take it for walks mate? Has any daft b*****d asked "What kind of dog is that"? unfortunatly he isent myn, tho i do wish he was, but yes he gets walked when the weathers nice, and pops down to the reptile shop every weekend. inregards to daft people tho, i used to work with exotic animals and had 2 alligators and a monkey. people would often ask whats that, err its a monkey. bear in mind he used to sit right up close and was the size of a 3 year old. what the f'in hell elce would it be. got asked that more often than you would think.. that and while hand
  7. What a beauty....do you actually take it for walks mate? Has any daft b*****d asked "What kind of dog is that"?
  8. WTF is that lying down in the picture?
  9. Lab

    Asian Bogs

    That would be interesting... going for a shite when you are pished.
  10. Lab

    is joke again

    So this is what jack and jill go up to on that hill..
  11. Defo' dogs for me. Cant be bothered with bitches breaking down in the shooting season, waste of time if they do that. Also like strong dogs for jumping fences.
  12. If it makes you feel any better so did i!!
  13. Was that aimed at me....? If so i'd have to say its a risk that some have to take. I dont think most people looking after birds would want to go out and shoot every BOP that they see but i am sure that they would love to here of a cull period or an easier way to pick up a license for controling problem birds. wasnt aimed at you,was just reading through the thread.oh and i wasnt being smart by that either was just asking.dont know musch about the ratio of birds a sparrow hawk would take in a season.but surely people who rear birds must take that into consideration that some will be lost.
  14. thats nature mate i have no idea how pigeonmen can moan about spars,they let their fooking birds out of the safety of its aviary into the big bad world,and then moan about spars taking their birds lets have it right the pigeons cant be that good or fast if there getting caught by spars so the spars are doing the pigeon fliers a favour by killing them and they aint going to waste A wind up i surely...........or just ......
  15. Was that aimed at me....? If so i'd have to say its a risk that some have to take. I dont think most people looking after birds would want to go out and shoot every BOP that they see but i am sure that they would love to here of a cull period or an easier way to pick up a license for controling problem birds. wasnt aimed at you,was just reading through the thread.oh and i wasnt being smart by that either was just asking.dont know musch about the ratio of birds a sparrow hawk would take in a season.but surely people who rear birds must take that into consideration that some will be lost.
  16. My 2 are 9 months at the end of the month mate and thats the age i will start to put in some serious training. I've done the basics like sit, stay and there recall is great. Are you over training and boring the dog..? Let the dog be a pup and dont pushing things, still plenty time yet. If you are planning to use him as a working dog he wont be ready this season anyway.....no need to panic
  17. Was that aimed at me....? If so i'd have to say its a risk that some have to take. I dont think most people looking after birds would want to go out and shoot every BOP that they see but i am sure that they would love to here of a cull period or an easier way to pick up a license for controling problem birds.
  18. He would make no diff', it would also be a 1 sided view
  19. Yes but the only true thing that everyone agrees on is the last bit of your post ......only kiddin' now SGS
  20. Avitec is a coccidiostat it is in the feed as a mild preventative for cocci though I use it in my pheasant feed I somewhat doubt its worth in partridge feed. pheasants seem to have a much higher tolerance to a coccidiosis burden than partridge and as such I routinely treat partridge with either baycox or amprolium instead. If you are buying poults it is a good idea to find out what feed company the game farm use and then get some of the same ration they are being fed, continuity of feed is often overlooked but it definitely helps prevent stress and stops them scouring. You sound like the
  21. This is not entirely true, as even very good quality birds will likely undergo stress when they are transported to your pens from the farm, if the weather happens to take a change for the worse, or they are harried by predators, these high levels of stress can lead to the birds immune systems kind of shutting down, allowing illnesses to effect them more. Therefore it is a very wise precaution to have a general madication added to the feed for about the first 10 days. I never bothered with the flubenvet, as I treated my birds with a much cheaper but very effective alternative. It is
  22. If you are buying quality birds mate you wont need any medication at that stage. I would however as others have said get a batch with flubnuvet in it as it is easier to treat your birds for worms with food rather than in there water. I'd also buy a bottle of Janseen Gamebird Tonic for there arrival to help with stress.
  23. It was the sex education show mate.......pensioner special. Earth would have been in heaven
  24. Bet the farmer would love that last black and white one....its a cracker
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