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Everything posted by Lab

  1. I'll do that mate when I'm ready to buy it....cheers. I don't have gas up here I'm on oil and it really would be a good saving for me. Such a shame I live bang in the middle of the forestry......wonder where I'll get some wood.?..lol
  2. The girls Dad has a stove business. He has just be on a course to qualify to install them as well. I'll be getting one fitted soon which will also be plumbed in. Never knew about the solar panel thing but I'll get that too...?
  3. BH will be cumming in his pants when he sees this thread.....right up his street....lol
  4. Lab


    He does come across as a right annoying c**t. Never knew he was a vegan which would explain him being a jerk...?
  5. yea lads doing a bit of graft and him making himself busy .ffs..not as if hes stealing some oul dolls pensionAye Unless it was your jewellers or a friends and youd be patting the boy on the back.
  6. If it's going to be a pet then colour will not matter. The basics commands that a pet dog will need will be a doodle to it......even if it's a useless chocolate one...lol
  7. Lab


    Anything to do with that hole in the side of it?...lol
  8. Lab

    Satellite Tv

    The Sky F5 box? Take it this is the one you can buy legally and get every channel free for nothing?? Now if I was to buy that box and install it is it illegal to view stuff??
  9. Id say "not manage to come to the party naw? Thanks for that. £10.50 doon the drain ya dick!!"
  10. Kind of exactly how I see it. Aye she has went way over the top invoicing her put I think it's more to prove a point rather than the money. We are in the process of booking a 5th birthday party for the wee man. It's £10.50 a head so you can't have everyone. If someone pulls out for no reason I'd be saying something.....if it was me that had to pull out if offer the money in return. Selfish b*****ds!!! Oh and f**k yer Scottish comment....lol
  11. So is my young dog. Cracking looking dog but it is a useless b*****d....lol
  12. What is the natural state though mate? The land that our wildlife evolved to live in changed from its natural state about 1000 years before game shooting started when the forests were cleared for farming and human habitation. We've been managing the populations of wild animals for one reason or another for a very long time.. Wildlife Has Evolved Around Our Managment Of The Countryside . . And Putting A Few Thousand Easy Meals Down Will Always Created An Unbalance To The Norm , And Any Keeper , Estate Manager Ect Who Thinks Differently Is Kidding Themselves , People Saying There's Too Many Bop
  13. Aye there's always someone......even if you buried them there would be someone complaining you never said a prayer...lol
  14. I've done that for year too.......not the same spot but that's where all shot foxes go. In the wood out of the view of the public. If anyone thinks burying them is the answer then good luck.You should take a photo if this pile of foxes......I've had a look for ones I've chucked a few weeks later and its very hard to even find a bone
  15. Like to see a bigger view of the picture so I could judge what "full view of the public" actually is.
  16. The problem is not more BOPs...the problem is not being able to control them. Simple
  17. What's the fascination with x's mate.? I really don't know, I've got a first gen pointer lab, a second gen pointer lab and what is meant to be a lab but I'm convinced he has a dose of spaniel in him somewhere.I lost my oldest lab a while ago now but for some reason I don't fancy another, I like spaniels but other than a black and tan cocker like my old one I'd rather have something a bit different like a cross. That's fair doos. Your the one that's going to have the dog for years to come. I sometimes think in the gundog world your taking a bit of a risk when crossing breeds. Of course you
  18. Ken was quality........typical old timer. Didn't give a f**k what he said or how he said it. The PC brigade are taking over the country bit by bit.....pisses me right off!!
  19. Yes........a nice nv to blast away foxes courtesy of a vegan prick...pmsl
  20. Why should they mate? Why are you allowed to control certain types of vermin and some not..? Doesn't make sense. How many birds do you reckon BOPs account for? How many do they scare and scatter to be picked up by other vermin? A simple cull period on certain types of BOP and some should be on the vermin list and you should be allowed to control there numbers.
  21. What's the fascination with x's mate.?
  22. What's the fascination with x's mate.?
  23. I'd throw that book in the bin. I think the best bit of advice I was given was not to rush, let the dog have it's puppy years. Plenty time for serious training.
  24. No i dont work for the media, and if this sounds better, whacked over the heid wi a fecken stick.maybe i just had a good education. I really hope your strictly at rats and rabbit man with those dogs now Joe....?
  25. "Bludgeoned to death".........lol Ffs do you work for the media. Get a grip!!!!!
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