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Everything posted by Lab

  1. It's ok I wouldn't be phoning the paper after I shot the f***ing mutt!!
  2. Lab

    Hot Tubs

    Couple reasons I've decided against it..... 1......I've no mains water so I'd need the fire service to fill it 2....I fill it myself from the well, will take about 2 weeks and it will resemble a f***ing mud bath.
  3. Hope it enjoyed the fingers cause it would be its last meal.
  4. I never understand this move it away from prying eyes. Who gives a flying fook about busy bodies. If what you are doing is perfectly legal and above board shoot it on site with the appropriate method. Your cage trapping for a reason cause there vermin pests and need controlling, your not trapping them to take there picture!
  5. Keepdigging is looking for his number if anyone knows it.
  6. And how did you stumble across this?...?
  7. A wee sweat on wi Druids Nephew and then he goes and makes a c**t of it. I'd stop that jockeys wages!!!...??
  8. Aye but seemingly the pies and bovril are in a league of there own.
  9. Still waiting on Lanesra commenting "it's nature, why don't you just buy some extra birds?"...?
  10. I don't think riding foxes has anything to do with it....lol
  11. Lab

    John Craven

    Instead of calling him a prick why not simple give him a quick lesson how the countryside works. Then call him a c**t!
  12. Leave the thing alone for christs sake. Nothing better than a few spiders about in the Sumer time killing they annoying flies.
  13. Cut in half with a nice dollop of real butter......lovely.
  14. I'll go for washing stuff. You'll be handed a power washer and told to go for it. A mountain of plastic drinkers and feeders will be needing a spring clean before heading out to the pens. Could be repairing netting or fixing pop holes...could even be something like checking traps. To be fair it could be anything. Just turn up on time, don't moan and atleast pretend you enjoyrd it....lol
  15. I bet they leave the nest in time. Whether they manage it themselves is another matter.
  16. Lab

    Done It

    Keep it about the new house/garden please and less about the love life...??
  17. There called 'specs' and there for cock birds at laying time. Not sure if your still allowed to use them.
  18. Walshie wants to know how big there shits are?
  19. The only shit that's certain is its a big cat.....a load of shit!! Bet it's a dog turd!
  20. I'm afraid she'd be getting a hot chilli up her hole
  21. Don't overfill your feeding trays. The dimple trays are designed so they can see the dimples which helps them to pick and start feeding.
  22. That pretty much covered it. Light is a big issue, you really don't want them to see too much.
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