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Everything posted by Lab

  1. Lab

    West Ham

    If I'm honest it's not far off how I imagine Wilf..?
  2. Friend of mine says he used to be able to get the Bulls to sit down by grabbing there bollocks and pulling them till they sat. I can see that working.
  3. My Grandad had a wee white JR terrier when I was pretty young. I can just remember it. It didn't like being picked up and it just didn't like my Mum. My Grandad being vermin controller for the forestry commission at the time it used to follow him every where. It actually belonged to the neighbour but somehow felt at home here. Gassing fox dens back then he said it wasn't the first time they had to open up a hole cause the stupid f****r had snuck in when they were not watching. It didn't stay to ground, not even sure if it was any kind of working strain but it did go down and bring out Cu
  4. The problem is I do it for a living ... I was out night shooting rabbits last night and had a decent bag ... I am just about to go and check my squirrel traps then I have a massive garden to look after that wants everything bar song birds shot so that will be a mixed bag of game ... I have two very nice ferreting jobs coming up in in some prestigious places BUT for me now it's like a carpenter putting up pictures of a door he has just hung or a brickie taking pictures of a wall he has built ... It's a job I just do it and get on ... Plus when I'm working it would be very unprofessional to be c
  5. You mean you used to be a 34....?
  6. I'm not wanting to point fingers but there are folk on this laughing at folk dying in a plane crash but crying over a lion. Unreal....??
  7. Heaven forbid someone kills something and posts it on here.
  8. No an idiot like you should manage....Breaking any trophies recently fudbawz?Yes......broke the top shagger award...If you want to shoot a deer you could just come too mines daft works.... . I may take you up on that....... You supply a gun? Yip........?
  9. If I'm heading there I know I can ask your advice on what's in store for me as you've stayed there the last 40 f***ing year....?
  10. I can hear the guide now...."Have you got a clean line of shot sir?""Yes" "Does it have a name tag on it?" "No" "Shoot the b*****d then!!!"
  11. No an idiot like you should manage.... Breaking any trophies recently fudbawz? Yes......broke the top shagger award...?? If you want to shoot a deer you could just come too mines daft works....?
  12. You'd fit in well in Dundee pal....... beautiful place mate Bet you couldn't drive through it and spot a good looking lassie.
  13. You'd fit in well in Dundee pal.......??
  14. I spend it in Africa dressed in a Sunderland top, calling myself Max while shooting Lions in their prime.
  15. No an idiot like you should manage....?
  16. Spot on that mate. I don't care for them either but my Mum loves her cats. She stays alone and now she can't have dogs( not well enough to walk them so refuses to have them) she decided to have cats. Basically companionship for her. If I thought someone went out there way to harm any of them I doubt I'd be very chuffed.
  17. Lab

    Electric Fence

    expected more from you stevie..........shame Tough love. Oh and I've just watched these British f***ing idiots on this side with there banners welcoming the c**ts in. I've an idea then, why don't they all adopt an illegal immigrant. Let them move into there homes and pay for them to stay here if they feel so strongly about it. I'd be happy for that too happen....??
  18. Lab

    Electric Fence

    expected more from you stevie..........shame Tough love.
  19. Lab

    Electric Fence

    Ffs I thought we had this amazing army. Can we not send a few hundred lads/lassies to the border with a license to shoot on site.
  20. f**k off Wilf, I'm not talking about a £2.50 firework........guaranteed you'll see and hear the bang down your way when I go.....??
  21. Never thought about it. Maybe cremated then my ashes stuck in a huge rocket firework and set off on my property......??
  22. Beg to differ, Robbie.The police have extensive powers to enter premises without a warrant. When they say "Can we come in ?", its a rhetorical question, mate ! Im fully aware the Police powers of entry as I am a Police officer. But a nice one ! Excellent.......you'll be busy on here then...??
  23. That's good then. They will have read how he two dogs were off the lead and how the cocker ran over and was the aggressor and unfortunately came second place. They will also read how the OP was very kindly going to pay for the vet bill but now since greed is involved they can go f**k themselves. All there for the police to read....?
  24. What you have here is a greedy b*****d hoping for a claim. Tell them all now to f**k off. Change your story and say there dog went for yours and your dog fought back. Silly c**t put his hand in, canny say who bit him. Tell him he can sing for his vets bill too.......hate greedy c**ts!!
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