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Everything posted by Lab

  1. Lucky you got it easy I see... Easy is not a word I'd use for fencing....Scott..?
  2. Must be 'flumping' them over the head.
  3. Lab


    Sounds like a covey. Maybe they light clamped them all down and the cock bird puffed himself. Either way the lady at the rspb is talking bollocks.
  4. Lab


    Fly at a week old....fpmsl
  5. I don't know what your all laughing at. My Grandad used to 'sort out' problem BOP with 'blue sugar'..........I can assure you that was an interesting parents evening at school for my mum and dad explaining that one...???
  6. Lab


    Seriously...this was an OCD thing. Ffs i thought your computer was just f****d...??
  7. never met a drunk man who's a bigger cunnts than a sober bouncer.Lol,,,Been thrown out a few bars have you,,,bet your the type gobbling off ,,,whilst walking away.....Gobbling off........kind of bars are you working the door at?..?
  8. It's only 10 years doing what your doing now. Who says things won't change for you in the very near future. I'd need to be at rock bottom to go bankrupt. I've been skint but never owed lots of money. I've borrowed and paid back. Going bankrupt fucks up lots of things in future....trying to get a house is the big one. When you can't get a phone contract, couch or tv even though you know you can afford it it will piss you off big time. I'd think carefully before doing it..??
  9. Because ultimately it's being pitched as a way to save the tax payer money...get them off benefits.....but learning to run a business, from scratch, ain't easy and paying bills that you havnt even known the cost of for 10 years.....if they genuinely wanted to help people, and save tax money then it's got to start with education. Fair point.......but is this country not bad enough for wiping everyone's arse. What happened to standing on your own two feet and learning as you go.
  10. I'm enjoying fencing at the moment. I've not been stuck on any sites lately, lots of small jobs for local councils. If the weather would just give us a break I'd be pretty happy.
  11. Come on....he's f****d a Scotsman out a tenner. It's not going to go away...??
  12. Going to continue though until he comes on and challenges any of it.
  13. you still signing on?Nah.....canny be arsed tae walk the 5 mins every 2 weeks....?
  14. Why would they get a business advisor.....normal everyday folk don't get that. Why should they? It's an experiment to test how 'they' will use it...not how they can be taught too. They will all f**k it up and it will be another nail in the benefits coffin. Not be exactly a bad thing.
  15. I'll never watch any of them to the end again, it's much more fun trying to figure it out yourself like this well I think it was colonel mustard in the library with the candlestick Well your shit at this....we already know it's in a field and there's 2 people. Can't rule out the candlestick though...?
  16. What's getting me is they did not start this post themselves.....Gin did. Now I think we can rule Gin out, he's been very honest and not been shy in coming forward. So 1..Either they contacted Gin in the hope he put it on here and knew we would rally round and chip in, or 2..they never expected us to chip in and it's lie that's now went way passed the point of no return. Or 3...it's all true and they are gathering the evidence. Really hoping for 3.
  17. I WANT a sling, not your snobbery. ?....only trying to save you looking like a fanny mate.....?
  18. Ffs it's John Wayne...? Don't put a sling on it. Few things I watched out for on shoot day which made you mind your head..guns with cheap wellies, cartridge belts and slings on shotguns...????
  19. Did you put money in Max? If not you'd be better just keeping quiet cause it doesn't involve you. I like others have done so we have a right to know the truth.
  20. Is it different for Scotland and England mate.? This is straight from the Dyfed Powys Police website and I've checked and it's exactly the same on the Met Police site and the Police Scotland site. I think it must have changed recently. 1. You must not withhold information about any conviction. This includes motoring offences, binding overs, formal written warnings, cautions and convictions in and outside Great Britain, and (by virtue of the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 (Exceptions) Order 1975) convictions which are spent under the 1974 Act. A conditional discharge and an absol
  21. You really do have to put everything done..no matter how small. I renewed in 2014 and I put down no convictions. When I got my visit the FO asked me directly if this was correct. I said yes. She then produced a speeding fine from 98/99 that I hadn't put on the renewal. I genuinely never looked at that as a conviction. She said things had changed. So no matter how trivial if you are applying I'd make sure you put it all done.
  22. I think my next episode of Fireman Sam would be the local Muslims house goes on fire and Sam just drives passed in the Fire Engine with his middle finger out the window.
  23. Think you just need a license and away ye go.
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