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Everything posted by Lab

  1. Lab


    His next wan he will be greeting cause they just got pumped aff the mighty Celtic.....mon the hoops.?
  2. Lab


    I was kinda thinking more of being part of the action. We know atleast one of them isn't scared off the cock...?
  3. Lab


    my mates mate had a similar thing happen to him, he suspected she was having an affair, and it turned out to be another woman, he was also left with the children, but they had been married for something like 15-20 years, Did he ask the question...surely he did..?
  4. Lab


    Ffs control yourself then.....?
  5. Lab

    Business Men

    I'm up for a hunting life support.....??
  6. Lab


    Could you field some question for the forum? If so ill start the ball rolling. When you are being spit roast is it difficult to multi task? I think you'll need to be more specific. Are you taking about sexually or are you talking about things like housework while getting passed about like an auld scuddy mag'...??
  7. Lab


    I still don't know what it f***ing means!!...?
  8. It's about time we publicly humiliate anyone that has these views....f***ing idiots.
  9. It's a difficult one. It's a trained dog, trained to catch. An accident happened and it escaped and then kicked into work mode. It's not like some mad dog that's running around the streets daily trying to bite everyone it sees. They can get there chequebook out and forget about it.
  10. Lab


    You piss all over her?! No way - she nearly killed me when I once got so drunk that I pissed in the wardrobe. I pissed in the oven once, she didn't speak to me for a week! That made me laugh. Every bloke on the planet should have silly drunk pissing story :D Imagine if you knew someone who took a shit in the bath. And his mum had to take it out before she had a bath before work.... that's gross.......... His mum thought that too...??
  11. Lab


    You piss all over her?! No way - she nearly killed me when I once got so drunk that I pissed in the wardrobe. I pissed in the oven once, she didn't speak to me for a week! That made me laugh. Every bloke on the planet should have silly drunk pissing story :D Imagine if you knew someone who took a shit in the bath. And his mum had to take it out before she had a bath before work....
  12. Lab


    Better off being single, then find another single girl that's up for pretending to be married. Then hit the swinging scene.... I can't see how a man can get any enjoyment of watching his Mrs getting banged by another man. Takes all sorts I suppose.
  13. Personally mate I see know reason to rush things. I have been very much of the understanding that you must let a pup be a pup. My Grandad was very strict with this and it served him well. He done very little training overall, nothing really in the first year and allowed his dogs (picking up team) to use there noses and brains to find game. They were far from trailing dogs but they could fill the game cart that's for sure. And that's what your paid for on shoot day. I have followed on with training method and it has done me well. I have put more time in after the year was up but that was my p
  14. Yes cause children of today with modern teaching are sooooo more behaved than the kids of years ago that got a clip round the ear...? I can see you don't condone any form of physical correction in dogs...that's great, that's your choice. But some dogs do like to push the boundaries and a quick correction like shown in the video is enough to stop it. Consistency of commands is the key. Time and effort also are 100% needed in the training of a dog. I do not agree with being 'heavy handed' with a pup. When a pup does not know the commands it is wrong to try and hit it into learning. I think
  15. Thread is called funny joke thread mate. Cheers, D. Am no believing you never laughed...?
  16. The wife said to me this morning...."looks like somebody woke up on the wrong side of the bed??" I said "shut the f**k up and get this mattress off me!!"
  17. My company install the average speed cameras mate ? You could of contested that and probably got it thrown out. Depending when equipment was calibrated and tested etc. Rarely worth the hassle though. If you lose its a massive fine with the court costs. Certainly not worth it for 3 points unless you already have 6/9 points and then maybe worth it. Oh do they...question time then. Once I have seen a red light on the camera lens. Everyone I pass I look and I've never seen the red dot again. Does that mean there active or not? Or is the light f**k all to do with how they work??Red light is noth
  18. Lab

    Horse Shit!!!

    What a f***ing contradiction... exactly mate some people in city,s now even feed dogs on a veggie diet, but they would still get an on the spot fine from some little jumped up park warden if it shat in the streets, horses are just dog food waiting to happen, don't get me started on horsesMassive difference.....you wouldn't put dog shit on you veg plot would you!?!?Bloody Nancy boys get a grip :-) Nippy horsey person...?
  19. Seen him before....,nothing wrong with that what so ever. Maybe if your everyday Joe public would watch it there might not be so many daft unruly dogs running around the place. I've no idea why he lets it run about with the lead on through.
  20. He hadn't spoke to his new bird for 20 mins and he was needing to get home and say he loved her...?
  21. My company install the average speed cameras mate ? You could of contested that and probably got it thrown out. Depending when equipment was calibrated and tested etc. Rarely worth the hassle though. If you lose its a massive fine with the court costs. Certainly not worth it for 3 points unless you already have 6/9 points and then maybe worth it. Oh do they...question time then. Once I have seen a red light on the camera lens. Everyone I pass I look and I've never seen the red dot again. Does that mean there active or not? Or is the light f**k all to do with how they work??
  22. Lab

    Horse Shit!!!

    What a f***ing contradiction...??
  23. I find it difficult to read on a hunting site when people can't distinguish between cruelty and acts of hunting that may be looked as cruel by some. If you can't figure out what I mean by that then it's time to give up your dogs, guns or whatever form of hunting you take part in. Yes there will be lots of antis that would love to inflict pain on us because they believe what we do is cruel......but there are an equal number of us that think what we do is perfectly reasonable whether on a sporting level or vermin control level. Yet I'm willing to bet that 99% of the population think that wh
  24. Difference is that dog would have enjoyed every minute. Sometimes it's just not right to sit on the fence. I hope somebody kicks them up and down the street. Often!!! Fair point Lab, I agree.......I was simply making the point that to the uneducated those people could all be giving off about one of us. No doubt they are mate. Uneducated they are. Some of the comments on FB which are written alongside hunting photos is laughable and a bit disturbing actually. But these little pricks that inflict cruelty really need taught a lesson. This is so far from the hunting world and we should try and
  25. Difference is that dog would have enjoyed every minute. Sometimes it's just not right to sit on the fence. I hope somebody kicks them up and down the street. Often!!!
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