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Everything posted by Lab

  1. They should try her on some stricnine.
  2. Lab


    Sounds about right mik. So would Rodgers be for the chop then if Rangers managed to pull it of?Personally I think he would be....this fantasy you lads seem to have that you are 'back' is a little far fetched though mate. I still think that you are looking at 4th place next season. You have lots too do yet. Warburton has had a very good season...no doubt. But next year will be a massive difference in terms of level of football. We will see if you can do it consistently through the year. As for Rodgers.......I really think we needed to push the boat out and I think we have done that. He's the ty
  3. Lab


    He will do for me. Be nice to hear the thoughts of the lads who supports the teams he has managed.
  4. Lab


    Ffs her night is getting worse.Getting better son.Nice Cock-ney lad instead of one of you ginger sweatys. It would be like winning the lottery for her. Aye lots like the lottery......a couple of wee balls giggling about and turn out to be f***ing useless....?
  5. Lab


    Ffs her night is getting worse.
  6. Lab


    Stick in cheap hotels and the location and see what you get. Some good deals out there.
  7. Lab


    What a lucky bitch.
  8. No mate I know a lad who eats them.hes a sound fella but told me protein is protein.ive never heard of anyone eating them before and I believe what he told me.So he f***ing does.??I think the gentleman may be pulling your leg.
  9. No mate I know a lad who eats them.hes a sound fella but told me protein is protein.ive never heard of anyone eating them before and I believe what he told me. So he f***ing does.
  10. Very sad this mate. As for that horrible scummy b*****d let's hope he gets what's coming too him. c**t!!!!
  11. be a pain in arse wi nets though! No need nets with two heads latched on to the rabbit its no going far No if it's got nae teeth...?
  12. She's been jumping for a good while now mate, she cleared a gate at 6 months, I didn't tell her to just straight over.Had to hold her back a bit then, just in case. She'll be a year in a few weeks, so I want her to be confident with obstacles, she's an athletic thing mate... You know your pup mate.....if she is confident then let her go for it. I can't help but cringe at dogs jumping gates though. I try and keep mine away from them a much as possible. A friend of mine lost his best dog to a gate....simple little jump, done it countless times...must have wrong footed and snapped his le
  13. She accused an American comic of supplying Prince with drugs. He is suing her. Aye she likes to open her big gub. I can't see many candles being lit for her in the chapel either.
  14. Your brave letting her jump gates when she's learning mate.....Got to do it sometime I suppose. Atb
  15. The new 007 perhaps? They'll be digging the old set of metal teeth out for him as we speak As 'BawJaws'??
  16. Talked his way into a film role maybe......good on him if he has.
  17. Lets face it if it turns out to be an attempted terrorist attack......Chances are it will be the MuslimsStatistically it's far more likely to be Irish Republicans actually Seems this was just a hoax anyway, maybe testing security response before carrying out a real attack? It depends on when the statistics are taken from.....if it includes the 70s/80s/90s before we had heard of Islamic extremists then yes I think most can list the numerous attacks by Muslims over the past 20 years I can only think of two attacks on British soil carried out by Islamic extremists. The 7/7 bombings and
  18. Lets face it if it turns out to be an attempted terrorist attack......Chances are it will be the MuslimsStatistically it's far more likely to be Irish Republicans actually Seems this was just a hoax anyway, maybe testing security response before carrying out a real attack? It depends on when the statistics are taken from.....if it includes the 70s/80s/90s before we had heard of Islamic extremists then yes I think most can list the numerous attacks by Muslims over the past 20 years I can only think of two attacks on British soil carried out by Islamic extremists. The 7/7 bombings and
  19. There's no debate. Conor would get a hold off him and that would be that.
  20. Mayweather would win with ease. Just as Conor would win with ease if it was MMA.
  21. Lab

    West Ham

    Apart from the obvious change of ground I'd think this badge change would be a hard one too take mate? I see that the castles were an iconic thing for the club at your old ground.....I can't see why they couldn't have based the new badge around a castle design. For the simple reason that the castle would have no relevance at the new ground.....the castle was just a representation of what stood on Upton Park before it was a football ground......so in effect the old badge was more of a tribute to the area whereas the new badge is predominantly a tribute to the origins of the club itself. If
  22. Lab


    What an attention seeker.....?
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