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Everything posted by Lab

  1. Some pal you are!!.... Ahahahahahaha
  2. Well mine is simply to see if you were there or not. Although as said I do believe you had a ticket. And also if it comes out you were not I've got to get started on my "2014 collection of jokes for ripping the pish out of Max" book....lol
  3. Why don't you just quickly take a photo and send it to someone then Max. I actually do believe that you were in London that day.....whether you went to the game is another issue. But someone who is lying tends to hide away and not keep bringing it up like you do so that's the reason I think you had a ticket.
  4. Did you read the first couple of comments....now that gets your back up!!!!..??
  5. I'm the same as you mate. As much as I dislike the man I don't wish a serious illness on him or death. I think you really need to have a serous hatred of someone for that. Again though I'd might find it hard not to chuckle if he slipped away with TB.
  6. Again I must thank you for your input...?
  7. There's 3 types actually.........those who don't give a monkeys either way Thanks for your input anyway...?
  8. Ones that hope Max was at the football and ones that hope he wasn't...lol Which are you????
  9. Remember my grandad telling me years back he clattered a boy in the head with a driver. Thought he had killed him. His words were "have you ever hit an auld neep wi a stick?, cause that's what it sounded like!!".... Lol
  10. I bet most are under 16 or over 60?? They'll hit the wrong person and get seriously hurt.
  11. Ffs rat traps set, police escorts, drinks were put up to a fiver and they took the toilet seats off just because Mackems were in town.....dirty cockney b*****ds..??
  12. Lab

    Miss These

    Yip he has a few folk that don't like him. That's more to do with the media than the man himself IMO. Until the day I sit in his company and he's s prick I will think of him as just another normal person.
  13. Lab

    Miss These

    Let's face it you both don't know for a fact. I've heard also what Baw has quoted so what do you think was said grant?? This will be good!!!!
  14. Lab

    Miss These

    Yes that was an epic day. Travelling to the game with all the Huns in cars beside us in traffic....there giving us abuse and we've got the passports and sombreros out the window. Another day at Ibrox I'll never forget is Artur grabbing the champions flag out the crowd and running passed wee fat Barry...... Ohhhhhh the noise...?
  15. I'll need to check my laptop but I made a wee video of him getting in it mate. f***ing lost my phone but not sure if I stored it on computer. Nearly fell in....??
  16. Lab

    Miss These

    See this is what a mean.....hearsay!! I'm sure the lad that smacked him was earlier congratulating him on playing for Celtic....aye bollocks. Probably calling him a wee Fenian Irish b*****d. How would you react if someone was taking the piss on a night out? Ffs he's no different to you or I lads. There is times where I've wished he'd had kept his mouth shut after o/f games and there's times where I've been glad he has spoken out. Ok back to the thread......canny wait tae meet you in the cup sometime. A lesson will be dished out...?
  17. Lab

    Miss These

    Always came across as a nice person Ally, your quite correct. Never met him so can't actually comment on that. Facts are on that day he had a right to have his chest puffed out. And there's no c**t in this world will tell me that it was Lennon who started that arguement although others would love to make it out it was!! I'll just get one thing straight, Lennon is no 'hero' of mine. Liked him as a player, not so much as a manager. He's had a hard time of things, some yes he has brought on himself but some that the media have over exaggerated and made him out to be some wee knob. If you have
  18. Lab

    Miss These

    Oh come on it's quite clear too see mate. Maybe if you take they blue specs aff you'd see it. Think you lot go to the same opticians as f***ing Hugh Dallas..lol
  19. Lab

    Miss These

    Because you can clearly see Lennon saying "now just hold on a minute!!"....
  20. Excuse me but I did think about it!! Before pmsl!!
  21. Lab


    I could just see it now , kids in tears Mrs with a big wagging finger , and no ride for the foreseeable future Had I been on me own then things may have been different Yes they would have.....going to the cinema too watch The Hobbit on your own would have made you a weird c**t!!...?
  22. So I think it's fair to say if we are a country full of little fannies then why open the door to potentially more wee pricks??
  23. Lab

    Miss These

    Is still love to hear what was said. I'm sure it will come our one day in Lennons book. And there's no doubt it was Sooooooper Ally who said something pretty bad. Funny cause I'm sure it was Lennon who got hounded in the papers for that.?? How long do you think Fatty has got at Sevco Lukey....you think the board is happy with him??
  24. You've said that a few times now mate. Just out of interest what's the % of British people to other races around there? I know where I live I never hear of Muslims running amok and causing havoc...that's cause there's hardly any.
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