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Everything posted by Lab

  1. How lucky were you to see that....the guides must have mentioned it? Would love to have seen that first hand....amazing.
  2. Lab

    Rooneys Contract

    I doubt very much Rooney knows f**k all about it. Some agent will be pushing for more cash to see what he gets. Let's face it your not going to turn it down.
  3. Can only find one photo of her in her younger years and unbelievably she looks alright.
  4. Lab

    Rooneys Contract

    I'll take a straight swap for Samaras.
  5. I've seen terriers flush birds well. But in control no. Not saying there's none out there that is but they are certainly few and far between. Plenty useless spaniels out there as well I'll just add. My next door neighbour used to have a wee jack russell( Cleo)....she would come with me when there was a few rabbits about and she was a good we dog. She would walk to heel, listen to my commands but once that rifle was fired she was off. If there was 2/3 rabbits then you were only getting a shot at one. Not the first time she has grabbed a rabbit making it's way to a hole though. She was a c
  6. How's that thin coated dog do in the brambles??
  7. I think that " huddle " thing is a cringeworthy embarrassing pile of nonsense yes....................but each to their own.........my point is " creating a fantastic natural atmosphere with 60k home fans watching a team thats winning and flying high is not a difficult thing to do...........................5k away fans creating an atmosphere in a game they are getting soundly thrashed and humiliated i think takes some doing Lab. Ok that's a fair point but we do still have one of the biggest travelling away support. As fot watching your side get pumped all the time but still going to watch
  8. It's amazing how a couple of thumpings in football can alter a mind. I remember I put up a clip of the Celtic fans doing the huddle at Parkhead. 60k fans with there backs to the game causing an amazing atmosphere and I'm sure you replyed "that's a load of bollocks it's the football your there for"......???? Apart from that there's no one can say you don't do your bit for your club mate. A proper fan.
  9. your thinking of lucky bags you dafty ,,,, Never heard of them in 20 odd years....now that is a blast from the passed. I remember being young and going to the corner shop that had all the tubs of sweets. You had to get about 10-15p measured out cause you couldn't afford a quarter. If I'm in Z shop and they have those tubs I always treat myself to a quarter. Last time it was Butternuts...;-)
  10. Just don't do it again or keepdiggin will ban you... Keepdiggin is a c**t for that!!! he's not only labs heroe he's everybody else's as well ? Ffs did he pay you to say that...? Lol
  11. Just don't do it again or keepdiggin will ban you... Keepdiggin is a c**t for that!!!
  12. well maybe lab will,a treat in my house was a kinder egg lol I'm not bringing broken up hardened porridge on a plane.....jog on!!... Lol
  13. My old man used to make porridge really thick... like the consistency of cement! ... And sugar wasnt measured by spoonfulls.... It was a few (a lot) of shakes from the sugar pot.... If you didnt eat it quick... it would cool down... and be too hard to eat .... They used to keep it in a special draw once it had cooled down and hardened and eat lumps of it throughout the day up there! Yip....was poured into the bottom drawer when my grandad was a kid and chunks were cut out as 'treats'...lol
  14. Never been a fan of the college route mate...you'll have learned a lot more skills doing it hands on. Only benefit of college is your mingling with the correct folk to open up doors for you. The way I see it is you ask around and see what happens...you may get lucky and somebody takes a chance. I can't see an underkeepers wage being any good for you. There is the ideal situation where you walk into a top class job and stay there fir the next 30 years and there's a possibility that you land a good job but the landowner is a knobhead and ditches you after 1 year. These are the chances you ei
  15. Can we make sure the woman who runs the B n B this time is a right dog. Watching Haymin flirt last time was giving me the boke, thought I was going to see my breakfast again!... Lol
  16. Lab


    Oh here we go......on the f***ing tele next... Lol
  17. #imanerd #garethgates
  18. Is it just me or is that robin a ringer for walshie lol Spot on.... Lol. That was a picture of him waiting on they wee dicks that pushed his Mrs aff her bike. Pmsl
  19. i sure as fook wouldn't come on here and whine about it, i also wouldn't assume you were spending the money in the pub or a holiday, people see what they want to see makes them feeling better when doing the dirty on some poor single mother who they are about to throw out on the street just as the weathers due to freeze and who will have to put her babies into care or the workhouse, all so you get your 25 quid a week Lol.....aye cause your never on here....pmsl. Nice side step though as I knew. MP Paulus...lol Oh and your on FB enough to know the crack. What do you think she is writing she
  20. Lab


    Is the lighter darts so they are thinner and can bunch together better in the trebles? I feel as if I need more power, when I throw harder it effects my aim so slightly heavier me thinks Struggling to reach the board are you peewee..lol Funny how grip can make a difference then Brackenboy.....much like golf when a newbie grips the club the tend to want to hold it like a baseball which technically is wrong. I sort of do that as I've done it all my life and I started golf at a young age. Although I'll never get on the tele I've won a few things. But I agree what seems unnatural can be a benef
  21. Lab


    :clapper: that's the best advice you've gave on this thread You mean on THL? Lol
  22. Lab


    Is the lighter darts so they are thinner and can bunch together better in the trebles? I feel as if I need more power, when I throw harder it effects my aim so slightly heavier me thinks Struggling to reach the board are you peewee..lol Funny how grip can make a difference then Brackenboy.....much like golf when a newbie grips the club the tend to want to hold it like a baseball which technically is wrong. I sort of do that as I've done it all my life and I started golf at a young age. Although I'll never get on the tele I've won a few things. But I agree what seems unnatural can be a bene
  23. Really when you read that it pisses you off, for 2 reasons really. These c**ts coming here in the first place the main thing. But anyone who is in arrears then why should they get to sit there rent free? My girl is coming through the exact same thing with her tenant. A lassie who says her benefit has been cut so she can't afford the full rent.....BUT....she can afford a summer holiday that was plastered all over Facebook!!!!! Guess what hen.......get tae f**k!!!! Where's your compassion lab?If have genuine compassion for folk who need it mate. But piss takers I can't stand.And it's making th
  24. Lol.....unfortunately...no!!!There speaks a man who's bird reads on here She'd see it as the joke it was intended. I'm sure....?
  25. Lab


    Is the lighter darts so they are thinner and can bunch together better in the trebles? I feel as if I need more power, when I throw harder it effects my aim so slightly heavier me thinks Struggling to reach the board are you peewee..lol Funny how grip can make a difference then Brackenboy.....much like golf when a newbie grips the club the tend to want to hold it like a baseball which technically is wrong. I sort of do that as I've done it all my life and I started golf at a young age. Although I'll never get on the tele I've won a few things. But I agree what seems unnatural can be a b
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