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Everything posted by Lab

  1. Lab

    Building Sites

    You know the minute you go into a new site if the site agent is going to be a prick or not if the first question is "where's yer hi-viz??" Was working in a place Friday/Monday, a food packing place and you couldn't do nothing out of turn there. No parking beside the job, designated smoking areas, no camera phones, no eating on site.....ffs!!!
  2. It must be a wee reminder to her of what she won when he married her sorry socks, couldn't resist mate lol. Lol....I couldn't help thinking that a while back she had all these spoons but nae f***ing kitchen....pmsl
  3. To be honest I don't know...usually a straight forward change. Someone might know though.
  4. Socks wife's friend..."sooooo what did he get you this year?" Socks wife...."another b*****d spoon...!!!!"
  5. Google "7 pin trailer plug wiring" and you will get a photo of it..?
  6. What about keeping dogs in kennels. Then they can be properly excercised by there owners then put back in there kennels.?
  7. Was the technology not invented to go on these missions though.? If you said we went to the moon and came back with something new and amazing then that would be worth while. Getting everything back to front these scientists...;-)
  8. So space exploration is a complete waste of resource? Lab, it's not what we find on the Red planet that's of real importance, it's what we learn getting there and back....... Like??? like it takes years Nasa scientist..."what have you learned in the years you have been away?" Astronaut..."f**k all but I'm on 4023 on f***ing flappy bird!!"
  9. So space exploration is a complete waste of resource? Lab, it's not what we find on the Red planet that's of real importance, it's what we learn getting there and back....... Like???
  10. I happily go....then I could come back and tell you I saw f**k all of any use up there, explain it was a waste of time and we could stop f***ing about with space exploration.
  11. Looks like Bungle has been on the smack since Rainbow stopped.
  12. Lab


    Hotel Lab....CLOSED he could eat a giraffe Hey this could work.....giraffe could do a good job on my tree and then I could shoot the c**t and feed it to Walshie?? How many giraffes will I need a week for him though?.. Lol
  13. Lab


    Hotel Lab....CLOSED
  14. "Is it rape??" "She calls it the porno!!" Think that pretty much proves what happened. There was a lassie like that who used to hang around with us for a few years. Drunk every weekend and pumped someone different every week. She had a 3some with 2 of my mates and tried to deny it the next day. She was a wee tart but it was all fun and games. On the other hand I worked with a guy who done the doors and he knew a lassie that would give out bjs and shag lads for money to get a taxi home. She got a guy done for rape some time later. Too me you would never be able to decide what happene
  15. Lab


    3 questions.... 1...How are you on apple tree pruning? 2...How are you on heating/plumbing issues? 3...How much do you eat? Lol
  16. hows it hypocritical? the giraffe was fed some bread like it was everyday and then blasted in the head with a bolt gun while it was eating it.....id hardly call that hunting....So your against farming then??where did i say that?? this is a zoo not a farm totally different situations Yes....but you can surely see why it looks a bit hypocritical? You eat meat, hunt for food and fun may I add but you find a giraffe being humanely slaughtered and fed to lions as something wrong? If anything I thought the way it was done in involving the children was a touch of class. Learning them about the way
  17. hows it hypocritical? the giraffe was fed some bread like it was everyday and then blasted in the head with a bolt gun while it was eating it.....id hardly call that hunting.... So your against farming then??
  18. Aye but don't kill him first.....let him run...lol
  19. This must be a copy and paste and not your view???
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