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Everything posted by Lab

  1. Unless it jumps out the water and comes too my house it can swim wherever it f***ing likes....lol
  2. Surely you mean Baws????... Lol
  3. "Give me 2 weeks"....?
  4. It's CTV news mate not CCTV....?
  5. 100% lab, I would have shot it or hit it ,or it it with what ever I could grab with my hands, the other dogs didn't do feck all did they ,? prob scared .Glad ive got a big dog like Buck,as bigger dog might bit more of chance than a smaller dog, but them wolves powerful feckers for any type dog Don't think I'd be keen on grabbing it mate....lolBut I'm sure I'd be out with a stick or something. I'm afraid my dogs would have been a quick dinner..lol that's what I meant lab lol bloody big stick , yeh most dog's would end up its dinner mate , Oh sorry bud I read that wrong....thought
  6. 100% lab, I would have shot it or hit it ,or it it with what ever I could grab with my hands, the other dogs didn't do feck all did they ,? prob scared .Glad ive got a big dog like Buck,as bigger dog might bit more of chance than a smaller dog, but them wolves powerful feckers for any type dog Don't think I'd be keen on grabbing it mate....lol But I'm sure I'd be out with a stick or something. I'm afraid my dogs would have been a quick dinner..lol
  7. Sounds like Arnie???yeah but which one Ahha.......Running Man??
  8. Ffs...think I'd be a bit pissed that someone filmed it and never tried to save my dog.!!
  9. f**k off you've got months of this pish before you even come close to understanding... Lol
  10. This is close too.
  11. Oh ffs.....a challenger has arisen to take Walshies title....lol
  12. Aye mate I've had it for a while now. I f****d my pads and discs( my bad) but that's all fixed and noise still there. On MOT it did say "slight drag on brake"....but since I changed discs and pads I thought that would be it but the noise continued? It's not a continuous drone...it does sound like it goes with the revolution of the wheel. Once your going up the gears you never hear it. Could I still have a drag maybe on the new discs and pads?
  13. Could possibly take Megan out for a curry and a pint.
  14. See that's what I always thought. I've got a serious drone when going slow, especially coming up to junctions. Couldn't be anything to do with low tyre tread could it??Hows the brakes?New discs and pads mate.
  15. See that's what I always thought. I've got a serious drone when going slow, especially coming up to junctions. Couldn't be anything to do with low tyre tread could it??
  16. What would be the obvious wheel bearing....is it a sort of drone as you slow up to junctions??
  17. Well that's came back to bite you on the arse eh?... Hahahah
  18. Aye you could still hold lots of resentment though mate. It's never been like that with me and my mum....I didn't have the lovey dovey bringing up, maybe that's why I've turned out a bit harsh in some of my judgements on things....who knows.
  19. Worked for me. Although it wasn't my Dad that hit me it was my Mum. Did I deserve it most of the time, maybe. I got hammered for all sorts of things...and yip I was scared of her. But it did make me stop and think about doing any seriously stupid stuff when I was younger. In know way do I hold a grudge either...things could be a lot worse in my life. I think it's a lot about who you meet at high school that determines which path you choose in life. Also if your a sheep and you just follow on with no willpower of your own you might be on to a slippery slope.
  20. Nope.....wee c**ts like stealing them when you were a bairn does that... Lol
  21. I agree with Stranger.....lol
  22. LOL, no that doesn't mean it didn't happen. This is the same as with the God thread, we say "you have no proof of God therefore why believe he exists?", they say "yeah, but you can't prove he doesn't". It's a pointless logic and nothing in our society is based on such a pointless logic. If I accused you of a serious crime, I would be expected to substantiate my claims with evidence, otherwise they are rightly considered utterly meaningless. The reason I asked for proof, is because everytime BoP control is mentioned the "huge amounts of birds are dumped" argument always comes up like it jus
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